Chapter 51: The Finale of the 22nd?

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Krillin lunges at Goku, who easily parries. He tried again and again, but his speed is no match for the young saiyan. Now it was Goku's turn to counter attack. He strikes again and again, faster then the bald child can see. Krillin quickly shoots into the air, distancing himself from his unyielding opponent. Goku follows. Goku sails farther then Krillin, and Krillin uses that to his advantage. The light gleams off his bald head, blinding Goku. During the time his eyes are blinded, Krillin manages to get a hit off, sending Goku sailing into the ground. But Bardock wasn't worried. Why should he be? This was nothing compared to his training. Goku lands safely. He grins up at Krillin.
"Cmon, let's get his going! I wanna go even more all out! Hey Krillin? Make sure not to die, ok?" Goku calls. Krillin lands safely as well.
"Ka me ha me"
Goku sprints toward Krillin, shouting out the words but not moving the hands. He bounces high into the air, throwing his arms behind him as he sails.
"Ha!" The beam sends Goku sailing down, slamming hard into Krillin. Krillin is down.
Krillin stands up uneasily.
"You sure have gotten strong Goku! But now it's my turn!" He sprints at Goku, who trips him and then slams his fist into Krillin's stomach in a single motion. Krillin quickly distances himself.
"Ok! Plan B! Ka me ha me!" Goku shakes his head and sticks out one arm.
"Krillin, that won't work against me. Don't try it." Krillin grins. And tries it.
"Ha!" The beam flies forth, but as he warned, has no effect on the guarding saiyan. Krillin reappears behind Goku, attempting to blindside him. But won't work anymore. Goku vanishes. Krillin is alone. He looks around panicked, searching for the saiyan.
'Crud.. I can hardly see him myself. Just how fast have you gotten, Kakarot?' Bardock grins once more. Krillin makes the final mistake. He turns around, looking for Goku. Suddenly, Goku is right behind him, already mid-kick. It slams into krillin's back, sending him flying out of the ring.
"Ring out! Son Goku has won the sixth round and will be proceeding to the finals!" Goku walks over and helps Krillin up.
"Sorry about that. Didn't mean to use that much power right there." Goku never stops smiling.
"You're ok, Goku. Just...make sure to win this one." Krillin coughs. Goku speaks briefly to the announcer, shaking his head no.
"Ladies and gentlemen! It's now time for the final round! Who will stand victorious? The incredibly strong Tien Shinhan? Or our returning champion, Son Goku, who always has surprises in store?!?!?!"
Both fighters assume their preferred stances. Both are warriors hardened by combat. But only one can stand on top.
"Let us begin!" The announcer cries. Both fighters launch at each other, kicking, punching and blocking within seconds. They both go up, the momentous battle carrying them upward. Tien quickly launches a dodan ray, but Goku dismisses it with a wave of his hand. Both fighters are back in the ground. Goku is still smiling.
"You sure are strong. I'm impressed. Never before have I fought a human as good as you. But I can tell you're shooting for the kill. So I'll have to use my full power. I can tell. You just might be able to take it." Goku assumes a new stance. And let go. This was his full power.
'Not bad kid. Not bad at all.' Bardock can't stop beaming with pride.
Goku sprints at Tien, battering his head and chest with an onslaught of punches. Tien goes sailing across the arena, but before he can slam into the wall, Goku quickly dives under him and kicks him skyward. He watches his foe land back on the ground. They launch back at each other. Once again their combined flurry is relentless. Goku jumps to the side, and now there are 7 Goku's surrounding Tien. After Image! Tien turns around and swings at the only airborne Goku. His foot phases through. It's an after image! Then one Goku swings at Tien from behind, but Goku's fist phases through as well! It's an after image! Then Tien appears right behind the mid-swing saiyan and yells.
"You fell for it fool! A double bluff!" He brings down hands hard, but they phase through the saiyan. Another after image! As the rest of the Goku's disappear, the real deal kicks Tien hard in the back of the head.
"Then I bluffed your double bluff!" He smirks. Tien stands back up, and puts his arms to the side of his head.
"Solar Flare!" Bardock is blinded. He suspects everyone else is too, but is more concerned with the whole "I can't see oh Kami all is bright" then with the safety of others. When the light faded, Tien was collapsed on the ground. Kakarot was tossing something to Master Roshi, and the the announcer was yelling.
"" Tien unsteadily rises. They prepare to sprint at one another once more. Mid-sprint, Goku trips? but quickly recovers and bounces into Tien's stomach. Goku stands his ground and looks over the audience.
"That was dirty." He coughs. They bounce back at each other, and once again, Goku appears to stumble mid-air. Tien's blow nicks the side of his face, but he is just barely able to recover. Now even Tien looks around. The two fighters are just standing next to each other, looking. Then an unexpected outburst.
"STOP IT!" Tien screams at the audience.
"Heh! MOVE!" Roshi chuckled from the sidelines. Tien turns to see why, as a kamehameha brushes past him, nailing Master Shen in the chest and sending him flying. Bardock, along side the rest of the audience, is confused. But nobody does anything so the battle goes on uninterrupted. The two fighters look to one another and smirk.
"Hope you're ready to end this. Cuz I sure am." Kakarot grins. Tien flexes. And yells. Oh boy. That won't become commonplace. But then...two arms? Tien just grew two more arms? That's disgusting! The now four armed Tien sprints at Goku, who has never fought someone with four arms before. He's getting excited.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,620
Goku: 460
Goku(holding back): 200
Goku("full power"): 350
Krillin(3 years later): 250
Master Roshi(3 years later): 300
Tien Shinhan: 300
Four Armed Tien: 350
Chiaotzu: 250
Master Shen: 200

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