Chapter 44: The Devil's Toilet

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Bardock chuckled. This old fool didn't know about ki detection. Via radar technique*.
He took a deep breath and slowly let his ki rise until he could sense his opponent.
"Suke the Invisible, begin the battle!"
'Well, can't end this too quickly. Guess I'll play along.'
Bardock felt him coming now. He slowly looked all around him, as if he was trying to find him. Suke sprinted at Bardock, who "accidentally" managed to trip him while slowly moving himself around. Bardock didn't stop moving, pretending he didn't know where he was. Suke was stalking closer, trying to move as quietly as possible. Fool. That wouldn't help him. Bardock swing his fist at Suke, purposely nicking his cheek. Everyone saw blood trickling down an invisible cheek.
"Heh. Lot easier to hit now. I won't miss a second time." Bardock chuckled, ready to end it. The blood disappeared.
'He must be covering the wound with one of his hands. Meaning...'
Bardock swung slowly enough that Suke could catch his fist. He took the bait. Then Bardock went for a punch with the other hand. Sake would have to choose wether to take the punch or to reveal himself. He chose the latter. Bardock now had both hands held by the nearly invisible fighter, but the blood kept trickling. Bardock grunted and head-butted, hearing a satisfying crunch. His aim was spot on. Broken nose. Blood everywhere. He fell to the ground, his location becoming increasingly more obvious.
"I give up! I give up!" Suke cried. Bardock groaned.
'Really? That's it? Let's hope the next guy is more fun.'
Then Bardock glanced down.
'Hmm. Maybe...'
Baba yelled at him, derailing his train of thought.
"The next two fights will take place in the Devil's Toilet. Follow me."
Goku chuckled. Everyone followed the floating woman inside the temple Fangs had flown from. They went up a flight of stairs. Baba stopped and pointed to a door.
"Combatants go through here."
Bardock nodded and went through. He was standing on a large stone pathway. Beneath him was a vat of bubbling green goo. Hmm. Across the vat was a stone demon. Oh. He was standing on one too. To his left was a window. Hey look, there's everyone else!
"Hehe. The third warrior. The dried up warrior, Mummy!" A massive man lumbered out from the other demon's mouth. He was coated in bandages from head to toe.
"Begin!" The man lumbered with impressive speed at Bardock. Not impressive enough. Bardock slammed his fist through the man's chest. Oops. He slumped to the ground.
"Is that it gramma?" Bardock hollered to the stunned witch, who nodded a shaky yes.
"Screw that. Kakarot, you can take the rest! I expected better." Bardock walked back through the door. He stopped when he saw Kakarot.
"Hey kid. Give em hell." Bardock gave a thumbs up.
"Ok dad!" Kakarot replied happily. Bardock took his place with the other fighters. Yamcha coughed, drawing Bardock's attention.
"I thought the plan was for me to fight after you?"
Bardock glanced down at him.
"Listen pal, that tube of toilet paper would've killed you. And they are only going to get stronger. aren't even a little curious how strong he's gotten? He hasn't stopped holding back since he finished his training with Korin." Yamcha stared at Bardock in half admiration, and half fear, as that would mean Goku had come a long way from being nearly beaten by a bandit in the desert heat.
Goku now stood where his father had.
He was facing the other stone demon confidently. He wasn't in any stance, but for some reason that didn't matter. Then the door opened. A tall man wearing a skintight blue suit, with blue wings and a blue tail on the back, entered. The horns atop his head nearly touched the stone demons mouth above.
"DevilMan!" Yamcha exclaimed. Bardock eyed him suspiciously.
"He won the World Tournament twice in a row!" Bardock turned his attention back to his son and grinned.
'Visions haven't been wrong yet. Two isn't anything compared to what this kid will do.'
"Shall I carry you to my homeland, kiddo? I'll bring you straight to Hell!" DevilMan flew straight up, before diving at Goku at incredible speed.

The weird bat guy flies right at Goku, but he just kicks him away. He isn't that fast. He stands up, clutching his face.
"You don't seem all that strong." Goku comments.
"You dare speak to a demon in such a way?" He snarls in response. He dives back at him, but the agile monkey boy easily evades all attacks, and retaliates by kicking him off the tongue. If it wasn't for his wings, he would've died right there.
"I-it'll take more then that to defeat a demon!" DevilMan stutters, steadily loosing his cool.
"Oh cool! I'll stop holding back now." Goku says with a big smile on his face.
"Huff! Fine then. Prepare for my ultimate technique! Devilmite Ray!" DevilMan brings his fingers together, and they start to glow.
Baba starts panicking.
"No! That's too far!"
He points with both hands, and the glow becomes a Ray and envelopes him.
"Haha! Now- Kaboom! The evil in your heart will blow! Kaboom!" The entire room gasps.
"Now what?" Goku asks, redirecting the demon's focus.
"You...kaboom? Why isn't it working? Is it possible you don't have a single once of evil within you? How can that be?!" DevilMan is truly panicking now. Never before has his ace in the hole not worked.
"Don't know. But I don't really care. I'll finish this now, if you don't mind." Goku assumes a fighting stance, still smiling.

'Evil in your heart will blow? Kami, that would've definitely killed me. I've killed far too many to not have an impure heart. Thank Kami Kakarot fought him instead. I can't die here. I refuse to die before getting revenge on Frieza!'

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,590
Goku: 400
Krillin: 145
Yamcha: 140
Puar: 4
Upa: 2
Invisible Suke: 150
Mummy: 220
DevilMan: 250
Fortune Teller Baba: 100
Ghost Usher: Ghost

*A technique where the user raises his own ki, and detects the enemy by where his own ki is not. Made popular by Adult Gohan vs Lavender during the exhibition match.

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