Chapter 42: Fortune Teller Baba

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"How could an old lady know where the last Dragonball is?" Kakarot asked, getting bored of this "slow" plane.
Yamcha took a deep breath.
"I don't know man. But if Roshi says she knows, she knows." He then gagged a little and looked over to the saiyans. Goku's outfit was torn and extremely dirty, while Bardock was wearing his "new" armor, despite one rib plate already being cracked.
"Man, we need to get you some new clothes Goku. You reek." Yamcha chuckled.
Goku sniffed himself.
"Ok." He replied as Bardock groaned. Did he ever think of saying no? 

Yamcha touched the plane down on the outskirts of a small town. Not a minute later, Bardock returned from the bathroom to see his son wearing a ridiculous outfit. Yamcha and Krillin were laughing. The tailor approached the group.
"Well if that's not your fancy, I could custom make something."
"Ok. Make it look the same, but not ripped. And put a Kame mark on the front left too, please." The tailor nodded and began gathering material.
"Oh! And a hole for my tail!" The tailor chuckled.
"Of course of course. Give me around an hour."

"Well... I guess we could wait in a coffee shop or something. It's only an hour." Yamcha remarked, taking a break from all the walking.
"Ok, I'll go grab Upa." And with that, Kakarot was off.

The three warriors took seats at the nearest cafe. Only Krillin ordered anything, getting a small soda.
"So...Bardock. Where did you say you were from?" Yamcha attempted to break the ice, unaware that Bardock was terrible at small talk.
"I never told you." Bardock replied bluntly.
"I...ok. So uh... who is Goku's mom?" Yamcha tried again, unaware of Krillin's exasperated gaze.
"My wife." Bardock replied, now getting angry with these questions.
"I see...How did you get so strong?" Yamcha kept trying, persistent as always.
"By being better then the rest." Bardock yawned.
"Ok. Who's the rest?" Yamcha asked hopefully, believing himself to be getting somewhere.
"No one anymore." Bardock spat.
"He kind of sucks at this, doesn't he?" Yamcha asked Krillin, who had been ignored up until now.
"Yeah, Yeah he does. Make sure not to touch him, or he'll zone out for like 5 minutes." Krillin warned, having seen it first hand.
"Woah. Really?" Yamcha was intrigued.
"What are you two going on about?" Bardock clued back into the conversation. Yamcha chuckled and slapped Bardock's forearm playfully.
"Nothing, nothing. It's all good. . . . Holy shit, you were right. Wow. Why does he do that?" Yamcha was surprised to see that Krillin had told the truth, as Bardock was now blankly staring at the table.
"I haven't a clue." Krillin shrugged before finishing his drink.

"Heh! As if a puny plant monster could destroy the mighty Yamcha!" It was Yamcha, but with longer hair. He was wearing a turtle hermit dōgi.
'Plant monster? What the hell does that-'
"Woah. Does the puny earthling think that because he could injure a single meezly saibaman™️ he stands a chance against me?"
'Saibaman™️? But those are Frieza Force creations!'
"Yamcha! Behind you!" Green arms wrapped themselves around Yamcha, and with a smirk and of flash of light, the saibaman™️ was gone. In its place was now a crater. At the bottom of that crater was-

"Dad! I'm back!" Bardock shook his head. He discovered he was dripping wet. Why?
"Oops. I tried shaking you out of it with water. Didn't work. Sorry." Krillin bowed nervously. Bardock just sighed. Wasn't the worst people have done to snap him out of visions. Yamcha exited the tailor's shop, carrying the new clothing. To the surprise and shame of all of them, Goku changed right there on the street.
They then got back in the plane and continued. Upa introduced himself to the rest of the group, but Bardock ignored him. He had met him three times now, and still didn't care. But he did feel guilty about his father. If only he had been there during the fight, maybe he could've-
"Look! That must be it!" Krillin called attention to the large palace that lay before them. It wasn't big per say, but it covered quite a bit of ground. The crew of five(and Puar) exited the plane and found themselves behind a crowd.
"Why don't we just push past them?" Bardock asked, moving forward to do as he said.
"Wouldn't recommend that!" A voice called, making Bardock stop. It was... a...ghost? What a weird place. Bardock got back in line and huffed.
"So you six?" The ghost asked in the direction of Bardock.
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Bardock didn't know what to make of a place that had a dead guy guarding the door.
"Don't you think it's weird?" Yamcha asked.
Bardock glanced at him.
"What is?" Bardock asked, thinking it was all weird.
"Everyone in line is super buff." Yamcha observed.
"Well even buff guys lose things." Bardock rationalized. But as he said that, a man wearing a top hat walked past the group.
"Oh my! To think that's where I left my gilded paper weight! Hoho!" The man entered a limousine and disappeared into the distance.
"Well. Not all buff." Krillin commented.
"Next!" The ghost cried, generating a series of hoots and hollers from the five buff men ahead.
They had entered for only a minute before all five of them came staggering out, bruised and bandaged. The ghost followed them.
"Next!" Eyeing each other nervously, the gang of six followed the floating ghost through the gate. After walking through yet another gate, the ghost called out to the receding darkness.
"I brought them!" An old voice answered from that same darkness.
"Hoi. A bunch of young uns and an old fool."
Bardock's eye twitched, knowing exactly which category he fell into.
The darkness was fully gone. An old woman, more of a crone really, sat on top of a glowing orb. It was floating, so by extension so was she.
Goku was the first to speak.
"So you're the potion seller Baba?" Goku asked obliviously.
"Fortune teller Baba!!" she corrected.
"One fortune telling slash divination costs ten million zeni." It was obvious from her tone of voice she said this quite frequently. That didn't change the weight of the words, however.
"Ten million! We can't ever afford that much." Yamcha exclaimed, devastated.
"I figured. Then follow me." And with that, the old woman and her orb floated out a gate to the side."

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,560
Goku: 390
Krillin: 145
Yamcha: 140
Puar: 4
Upa: 1
Rich Guy: $$$
Fortune Teller Baba: 100
Ghost Usher: Ghost

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