Chapter 3: The Prestigious One

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Bardock had been going so fast that he nearly missed it. He tried to stop, but that had never been Bardock's strong suite. He crashed into a mountain. Thankfully it wasn't the correct mountain, as he would hate to make a bad first impression on his son. It only just dawned on him that he had never actually seen his son, only in visions. He had been debating for a while on what triggered these visions. He had yet to figure anything out, other than plot convenience. 'Plot what?' He thought, just as another premonition hit him.

He saw an old man, with a funny hat and a majestic mustache. The man said only two words.
"Goku... Begin!"

And then it was over. He had no clue what this 'Goku' was, but he knew he had to find the old man. And so he landed, and walked around, wondering how he could possible find either the old man or his son's pod. He only knew the direction of his son's pod, and that this old man was important. He believed this as he was a saiyan. In saiyan culture, it is extremely difficult to grow facial hair, and even harder to grow a mustache of the old man's magnitude. He had been searching for around three hours when he heard a loud noise. He flew in that direction, but stopped short when he saw a large... pokey thing. It had a lot of teeth. It was roaring at a person looking thing. Bardock didn't care. He cared about only himself and his family. And now there was only member of that family left. But perhaps this person knew mustache man. Information would be helpful, and Bardock was bored of searching. He flew in front of the large thing that had a spike fetish, and taunted it.
"C'mon you pokey bastard, I haven't killed anything in ten years. You'll be a nice warm up. I hope." The thing charged, aggravated, right into Bardock's outstretched fist.
"Not bad. You'll do fine." He began to rapidly dash around it, confusing it greatly. It swung wildly, attempting to crush the tiny angry man. Bardock caught it's tail, and threw it into the sky. He began to charge a riot javelin, when it dawned on him that it would be better training to beat it to death. He flew into the air, following it, before playing a twisted sort of volleyball with himself, only punching instead of setting or serving.
After the third punch, Bardock decided to end it and gave the large beast a taste of his Saiyan Spirit. The monster was destroyed without a trace. Bardock landed and approached the crouched figure.
"Hey pal, you're welcome. You from around here?" The person stood up, and was obviously an old man.
"N-n-no, I'm not from around here but I know the area. Why do you ask?" The man had a ridiculous hat, dumb looking pants, and a stupid vest. The only thing that saved him was his mustache.
"I'm looking for an old man, kinda like you but with a longer 'stache. He might know something about my son." Bardock responded. He now knew how silly it was that the only way he had to identify the man was his mustache.
"Well as far as I know, the only thing up in these parts is a bamboo forest frequented by dinosaurs like the one you so kindly destroyed." The old man answered.
"Although I heard talk of a strange landing in that forest around ten years ago. As a father myself, I understand how badly you want to find your son." Bardock didn't retort, merely nodding a silent thanks before taking flight towards the 'Bambow' forest. After he left man muttered to himself
"Flight? Shooting lasers out of hands? I'll add those to the list of must haves." Bardock was standing on a pointy rock among the 'bambow' trees, wondering where his son could've landed. He took flight to get a view from the sky. Bardock didn't know what birds were. He looked around, disappointed in his lack of findings, before he looked up on the cliff above. He smelled something funny. He flew up, and was greeted by the pod he had searched for. Before he even touched down, however, he heard a voice behind him.
"So you've arrived, he? It took you long enough. You'd think someone with a power level like yours could perform a basic sense." Bardock spun around, confused. The man had no scouter. How could he have- he lost his train of thought as soon as he saw the man's mustache. It was him.

Power levels:
Bardock(post fight)- 12,030
Mustached man from vision- 150
Other mustached man that totally isn't a young Dr. Gero- 3?
Dinosaur- Dino? Do they have quantifiable power levels?

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