Chapter 23: Launch Time

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Flashback to what Bardock saw upon touching Roshi.

Roshi was dressed in black. He was staring down someone Bardock couldn't see. Roshi started getting shot at, yet the old man didn't move. He opened his mouth yet Bardock heard nothing. He saw a blue box thing on the ground in front of him. Roshi then brought his hands together and used a bizarre technique involving swirling and the color green. The unknown attacker slammed into the ground right next to the box, much to the dismay of Roshi. Roshi then collapsed to the ground, and rolled into his back. He gave his trademark grin before speaking.
"Heh... You won't win, Piccolo. He'll stop you. Wherever he is, he's getting stronger, dedicating his every moment to your downfall. I'll see you in hell, demon."

Bardock opened his eyes, unsure of when he had shut them. Roshi was looking at him with quizzical eyes. As quizzical as sunglasses could be.
"Heh! Well? Do I score a hot babe or something?" Roshi asked, clueless to this future horror. Bardock cleared his throat and carefully chose his next words.
"I-I watched... you..." he couldn't do it. He couldn't bring himself to tell this man of his impending doom.
"Train my son. You were all wearing turtle backs?" Bardock tried his best to sound as if he didn't just watch someone die. Roshi nodded his head.
"Heh! That sounds about right! Guess that means he picks a good girl, heh? Roshi cackled with delight as he got to his feet.
"Heh! Well, I'd love to learn more, but uh, nature calls!" The man slowly made his way to the bathroom, leaving Bardock alone in his thoughts.
'What's a Piccolo?!! Why do I feel like that's such bad news?! And why can't I tell how far in the future these things are?!'

His thoughts were interrupted by the sense of his son. Kakarot, the bald kid, and... someone too weak to be of any significance. They landed and Bardock assisted the new girl off the cloud. Kakarot ran inside to get Roshi, while Bardock "engaged" in small talk.
"So're Goku's dad, right?" The small bald kid tried. No answer.
"He... he uh, he said that you're pretty strong. I can tell that wasn't a lie." Still nothing.
"Hey, why weren't you moving when I first-"
Bardock glared at him.
"For the love of Kame, don't you know how to shut up? Jeez, I can't believe a kid like you..." he trailed off, surprised at his own outburst. That vision from earlier had left him uneasy. After a prolonged silence, Bardock tried once more.
"Hey uh Krillin. I'm uh.... I didn't mean to snap." Bardock turned around and walked beside the house. Krillin looked to Launch, who had been completely ignored, back to the side of the house where the saiyan now stood.
"I didn't tell him my name." Krillin whispered under his breath, intimidated by the large man. Roshi poked his head out of the window and nearly fell over after seeing Launch.
"Heh! You've done good kids!" Roshi exited the house and introduced himself. While at first glance Bardock may have appeared to be in deep thought, he was in his own little world.

'It's Kakarot. He's big. Can't tell when, however. At least twenty.' The future Kakarot stood on a large rocky pillar and spoke.
"With enough hard work, even the low-class can surpass the elite!" He then assumed a stance that was foreign to Bardock. 'Wait, did he just say elite?' Bardock turned around and nearly soiled his trousers.
"Hmm. Then allow me to show you a power that no amount of work could ever overcome!" The saiyan then assumed a stance Bardock knew all too well. 'It's....Vegeta. Not King Vegeta, but.... it's him. There's no doubt. Now the only question is why is my Kakarot locking horns with the Prince of all(three) Saiyans?!!!'

Bardock opened his eyes and heard a feminine shout. Bardock took a seconds glance and saw all he needed. He sprinted forward and tore the gun from the blonde girl's hand, knocking her to the ground. As she hit the ground he heard a faint sneeze. When the dust settled, the blue hair girl was back before him.
"What the Kame's name was that? Where'd the blond one go?" Bardock was completely bewildered. The blue girl on the ground have a light chuckle.
"Oops, must've happened again. I'm sorry everyone. I seem to have dramatic shifts in my personality whenever I sneeze. Bardock grunted and then helped her to her feet.

A tall bald guy. Why are so many people bald? Wait, does he have three eyes?! That's kinda weird.

Bardock forced himself to refocus. Everyone was looking at him. Roshi loudly forced a cough.
"So... you're free to stay here, Launch." She gave a curt bow and began moving towards the house. Bardock merely scratched his head and looked at his son, interacting with Krillin. Roshi shook his head and made an announcement to everybody.
"Heh! Our little island is getting crowded. Let's move!" He then turned the little house into a capsule. He pulled out a second capsule and turned it into a boat. All but Bardock boarded, who could just fly on over. The hectic training of the turtle hermit had just began.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,440
Goku: 22
Master Roshi("excited"): 140
Krillin: 20
Does this mean Launch is the original super saiyan?

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