Chapter 61: A New Level

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Goku thought to himself after his sudden outburst.
'I really thought a marriage was some kind of food, but oh well. A promise is a promise.'
He walked until he was face-to-face with his fiancé.
"So we'll get married?" He asked her.
"Agreed!" She squealed happily.
"In-Incredible! This is definitely a first folk! Son Goku has taken Chi-Chi's hand in marriage, right here on our sacred fighting ground!!!" The announcer yelled. The entire audience cheered as Goku and his new wife walked back to the waiting area. Bardock grinned.
"Hmph. Looks like you found yourself a girl, Kakarot. Good work. I'm proud of you." He murmured, just loud enough for those next to him to hear. Unfortunately for Bardock, that meant Oolong.
"Wow. You said you're proud of him. That's gotta be a first." He snorted. Bardock ignored him. He knew the truth. True pride doesn't need to be stated aloud.
"Jeez! What a year already! Time to begin the third round! The mysterious Ma Jr. vs Krillin!" The announcer drew everyone's attention back to the actual tournament at hand. Krillin walked out to fight his foe. Pic- I mean, Ma Jr. flew down to greet his opponent.
"Match 3! Begin!" The announcer...announced. Krillin immediately shot forth a slew of ki blasts. Ma Jr. took to the air, but the blasts followed. He turned and destroyed them with ki blasts of his own, but as he did so, Krillin leapt up and punched Ma Jr. in the face. He was forced to fly back down to the arena as the audience cheered. Being that they were both back on the ground, Krillin went to attack with a flying headbutt. Ma Jr. quickly dodged to the side, but Krillin stepped quickly and forced Ma Jr. onto the defensive. Both fighters took to the air. Ma Jr. kicked Krillin back down, but Krillin stopped in midair.
"Ha! You aren't the only one with tricks!" Krillin laughed in midair. Ma Jr. laughed.
"I'm impressed. You are far beyond what I expected. But it's time for me to end this." Ma Jr.'s arm unexpectedly shot forth, growing long enough to grab Krillin! Ma Jr. retracted his arm and punched Krillin hard. He flew into the back wall, but bounced back at Ma Jr. The evil namekian had expected this, and quickly kicked his bald opponent into the air. Krillin attempted one last-ditch kamehameha, but it was for naught. Ma Jr. kicked him back into the ground. Krillin lay still for a moment before slowly rising to his feet, only to sit down on the ground.
"I can't take anymore. I give up." Krillin sighed as Ma Jr. landed next to him.
"Ma Jr. wins via Krillin's forfeit! But it was still an incredible fight! Now we are on to the fourth fight! Yamcha vs Shen!!" The two fighters entered the arena. It was obvious to onlookers who was the fighter here, and who was Shen. Bardock groaned. This was going to be painful to watch. Except for the tugging he felt on his pant leg.

"Uhm...Mr. Bardock?" A young child asked. Bardock looked down in shock, and then looked around him. He was no longer in the arena.
"Why are you so rude? And when will daddy come back?" The child sniffled. It was only now that Bardock saw his tail. A saiyan!

"Unbelievable! Yamcha has been trounced! Winner Shen!" Bardock panickedly looked around. The kid was gone.
'Damn. It's like I have one of these stupid visions during every tournament! Almost like I don't care to see how the fight goes...' Bardock thought to himself before refocusing. Kakarot has to know that this wasn't just some guy, right?

"Incredible! It is time for the semifinals! For the first round of the semifinal, Tien will have a rematch with Goku! Last time they fought, they were near equal! Let's see how much they have grown!" The announcer yelled. Bardock grinned. He was looking forward to this fight.

He bounces over the wall in synch with Tien. Both land and immediately assume fighting stances. Both wait for the inevitable call.
"Match 5! Begin!" The announcer cries. Both rush forth. Tien launches a flurry of jabs, but Goku flips away. He takes flight, Tien trying to shoot him down. The fight continues now in the air. They begin to descend, their battle never waning. And as soon as both touch the arena floor, they disappear. Sounds of combat can be heard, but to the casual observer, nothing can be seen. Then they reappear, locking hands and trying to push. Goku uses his opponent's size to his own advantage and launches Tien into the sky. When he lands, he tries to attack again, but the punches appear to go right through the saiyan.
"Hehehe! You fell for it again!" Goku chuckles from behind. An afterimage!
"I-Incredible! These fights are insane! They seem evenly matched even now!" The announcer yells. But he can't see what Roshi and Bardock can. Sweat drips from Tien's body, and his breathing is heavy. Goku, on the other hand, looks like he just stepped outside for the day. Tien takes a deep breathe.
"Do you know why you'll lose, Goku?" He asks, before disappearing.
"Nope! Goku responds, slamming his fist into his opponent's face. Tien jumped back in shock.
"What?! Were you going easy on me?" He gasps. Goku chuckles a reply.
"Only as easy as you were going on me."" But first, I'd like to remove my armbands if that's ok with you." Goku asks, never taking his eyes off Tien.
"What? Sure, go ahead." Tien wonders what's that about, but then the armband hit the floor with a *poomf*. He stares at in shock.
"Uh...Goku? May in touch your armbands?"
"Huh? Go ahead." Goku shrugs. He bounces around, having removed both wrist pads. Tien is shocked. This armband must weigh more than 30 kilograms(70 pounds)!!! Krillin carries the armbands into the waiting area(with difficulty), and everyone learns of how much weight Goku was packing.
"Um... match 5, resume!" The announcer calls. Goku and Tien resume their battle.
'And they haven't seen everything yet.' Bardock chuckles, thinking of the boots and shirt his son is still wearing. Each boot, each wrist pad, and the shirt all weighed 32 kilograms(70 pounds) a piece. Goku was packing an additional 160 kilos(350 pounds)!!! Now, even just minus 64(140), his speed is noticeably better. If Tien was out matched before, this was something else.
"You're incredible, Goku. I hadn't planned on using this until the final. But here we go: 12 eyes quadrabody technique!" And with that, there are suddenly 4 Tiens in the ring with Goku. And yet all the saiyan can do is smile.

Power Levels-
Bardock: 12,650
Goku: 840
Goku(+160 kg): 450
Goku(+95 kg): 600
Krillin: 300
Tien Shinhan: 400
Yamcha: 310
Shen/Kami: 250
Piccolo Jr.: 800
Chi-Chi: 130

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