Chapter 50: 22nd Budokai Tenkaichi

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"Let us begin the second match! Our runner-up from last year, Jackie Chun, vs a newcomer who proved himself despite his young age, Mark!" There's the old man. Ch! His disguise as good as ever. And this kid... he's just a wannabe. This will be quick.
"Begin!" Mark swings at Jackie, who effortlessly dodged. He tried again and again, but the old man is too fast. Now Mark is tired out.
"Oh dear. You do have potential. Keep trying. Maybe next year?" Jackie Chun spoke softly. He pushed his young foe lightly, sending him sprawling into the grass.
"Contestant Jackie Chun wins via ring-out! Our next match will be Krillin vs Chiaotzu!" The announcer called out, enthusiastic as ever. Mark stood up in the grass.
"Why you! That was a dirty trick! I'll show you! I'll show you all! Mark of Satan Castle will become number 1, you hear me?" He cried as he swiftly made his exit.
"Well that was awkward... moving on, we shall now begin the third round! Please begin!" The announcer yelled once more.
Chiaotzu sure was unsettling. Didn't assume a stance or anything. Just stood there. But that fool Krillin lowered his guard, thinking his opponent inept. Chiaotzu zoomed across the floor.
'That kid is using ki to he can fly, too.'
Chiaotzu quickly battered Krillin around. Krillin tried to retaliate, but sure enough, Chiaotzu floated in mid air. New plan. Krillin vanished. Tien called out to him.
"Your left!" Chiaotzu stood there, trying to determine which way was left. It was cleared up when Krillin kicked him on the left side of his head. Chiaotzu flew up into the air, making it impossible for Krillin to attack him without peril.
"Heheh! My turn. Dodan Ray!" Chiaotzu's finger lit up, a beam shooting forth. Both Bardock and Kakarot were stunned. Bardock couldn't hear his kid over the fight, but he audibly commented on the fact that they had known a man who used a Dodan Ray once before. But good on Krillin. He managed to dodge the onslaught on rays, when a shout carried over the fight.
"Chiaotzu! Stop messing around and kill him!" It was Master Shen, Roshi's one time friend turned rival! The leader of the Crane School! And he wanted blood!
"Ok! Here's a full power Dodan Ray!" Chiaotzu's finger glowed once more. Krillin stopped dodging, and instead put his hands together in an all to familiar motion.
"Dan Ray!" The Dodan Ray slammed into the ground. But why didn't Krillin...
Krillin emerged from the smoke, midair, level with his opponent. He had jumped over the blast, masking it with the smoke.
"Ha!" His blast was a direct hit. It sent Chiaotzu sailing into the grass below.
"Ring Out! Contestant Krillin wins the third round!" Bardock smirked, looking around the cheering audience. Wait, that's Tien. He's standing next to Shen. Hm. Now why would that be? Oh well.
"We shall now begin the fourth round. Last years champion, Son Goku, vs Pamput, a renowned world fighter." Bardock grinned. He had this weird feeling in his chest. He didn't know how to describe it. It was like pride...but for someone else. Kakarot looked as ready as ever. His opponent walked out. He was the stereotypical boxer. He did look pretty strong. For a normal person. Pamput spoke with Kakarot briefly. Pamput then flipped around, driving his elbow into the wall behind him. It shattered. Well, now he could see "Jackie Chun" easier.
"Well then. We might as well get this battle underway, so fourth battle! Please begin!" Pamput sprinted at Goku and tried to punch him. Instead, it was Pamput that collapsed on the ground.
"I...incredible! Pamput is unconscious! Son Goku wins with a single blow!" Kakarot smiled and waved to his father, who gave a nod of approval. In that split second before Pamput could punch Goku, he brushed his hand aside and slammed Pampu's chest twice with his elbow.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time to move onto the semifinals! Match 5, Jackie Chun vs Tien Shinhan will begin shortly!" The two fighter walked out. The differences between them were immense. Bardock was interested in who would come out on top, but a repetitive noise kept bothering him. He finally turned around to see that nobody was behind. Literally nobody. The crowd had disappeared.

'Was that... Kame house? It was! Back on the smaller island. Wonder why. Bulma is here, Roshi is here, and so is Krillin. Turtle too. But what are they all looking at?'
He turned around. There was Kakarot, all grown up. Next to him was his nimbus cloud. Huh. Still got it after all these years. But the main interest sat in Kakarot's arms. A child.
"Uh Goku, just because you were found in the woods as a kid doesn't mean you can go around grabbing kids." Krillin remarked.
"What? This is my son. His name is Gohan." Goku replied, surprised.

"Wh-What? Contestant Jackie Chun has left the arena?! Tien Shinhan wins via ring out!" Bardock zoned in to see the old man putting his shirt back on and glanced back to Bardock.
"Heh! Gee. I wonder what this next generation will bring, don't you?" Bardock grinned in response.
'Yeah I wonder. Kakarot is stronger now then I was at his age. Who knows how far he'll go? But that raises the question: am I going to be a "grandpa" as Yamcha called it? Also: Dammit! I missed the entire damn fight!'
"After a surprising end to the fifth fight, match six will begin shortly! Son Goku vs Krillin!" Bardock gasped. Oh shit. They've never actually fought. Krillin doesn't stand a chance. Bardock could narrowly make out the voice of Krillin over the crowd.
"You'd better not hold back, Goku. Otherwise I'll never forgive you." Goku nodded.
"Of course. Same goes for you too. I've been itching for a real fight." The two students of the turtle school walked out together.
"Fighters ready? Please begin!"

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,620
Goku: 460
Goku(holding back): 200
Krillin(3 years later): 250
Yamcha(3 years later): 280
Master Roshi(3 years later): 300
Bulma(3 years later): 4
Tien Shinhan: 300
Chiaotzu: 250
Master Shen: 200
Mark of Satan Castle: 20

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