Side Story - The Afternoon

420 3 0

Bandung, 2006

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Bandung, 2006

"Good afternoon, ang," said someone to me, he's appearing his mark through that slide doors in my house backyard—showing his other pal that's just regularly comes along with him.

It's Burnay—my little nephew, behind Burnay there's this little boy who often follows him around wherever he goes. I was in the backyard, that time—sipping my coffee and sitting on a wooden chairs that seems like it never gets old, staring at the crimson dusk.

"Afternoon," i replied to Burnay.

"Aku izin ikutan mandi ya ang," he said, asking permissions to use the house's bathroom.

"Oh iya iya, sok langsung keatas aja," i answered, granting his wish.

"Thanks, ang, aku keatas ya." and then Burnay with his white clothes and short faded jeans moving his legs swiftly to the upper floor, leaving this boy whose starting to come at me. Slowly. Creep the shit out of my soul.

While i'm enjoying my time, i heard he start to speaks, "Lemme' ask you a question, old man—what makes you loves this scenery so much than any other stuff on this earthly living,"

Apparently, this person is talking to me. This person who just come to my face.

"What makes me love this scenery?" I ask and answer his question, "Because this scene, this very afternoon, is the God answer to every mankind's wish before the sun starts to disappear then setting down and gone for the rest of the night," I explain, which in my own opinion, my explanation are well-made to his very perceptual question.

A few moments later. Silence.

"Hahahahahahahahaha," and then somebody is laughing, which i see, he, is, laughing, so hard, in my backyard.

"Where's the funny part in that?" I asked him back. With a remarkable motion.

"You, you—are the funny part in all occasion." he answered simply—making me confuse thinking about the answer he gave me a few seconds ago.

"Fuck you, Old man, you are not a regular person who loves sunset, either the afternoon, either something so-called a spiritual philosophy that you've told me before," touchè, he answers in such a critical point, i was nothing but gotten mad at him, but before i talked back to him, he is swiftly cutting my words, "Biasanya juga ang Maddie jam segini lagi having sex sama pacar - pacar ang Maddie yang seksi - seksi itu." jawabnya kemudian.

"Kamu kok ngomongnya begitu?" I asked him back.

"Ya karena realita nya memang begitu, ang," jawabnya lagi, sambil bersandar pada pintu geser di rumah saya ini.

Ngedenger dia ngomong kayak begitu, saya yang lagi asik terduduk di kursi malas punya saya ini, akhirnya menoleh lagi ke belakang, menatapnya dari tempat dimana saya sedang bersantai, "Hahahahahahahaha, sialan kau, Rang, kulibas kau nanti yah," jawab saya sambil agak bercanda kepada dia.

"Hahah," tawa nya singkat.
"Anyway, this new change is lit, i think," ucap dia lagi pada saya.

"Apa?" ulang saya karena tadi saya nggak nangkep apa yang dia omongin.

"Iya, renovasi baru rumah ang Maddie ini lumayan juga, keren, jalo kata aku,"

"Keren nya itu kenapa Rang?" tanya saya balik sama dia.

"Ya keren aja ang, you build not exactly a house, but it's stays as a home." jelasnya mantap. "All this ship's cargo, i never thought of it. How could you?"

"Oh, what the hell," tambahnya lagi.

Dan melihat respon nya yang seperti itu, saya hanya bisa tertawa lebar dan panjang.... Hahahahahahahaha.

Diary Seorang Womanizer (PK) - On GoingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang