Ch. 4 Half and half bastard

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A/N: Welcome back reader-chans! Things are getting good between Katsuki and Akemi, let's see what trouble they get into this time!

A week later, your library duties with Katsuki had ended, much to the enjoyment of the library patrons. One morning before school, Shota hands you your very own cell phone. "Don't break it or you're paying for the next one." You stare at it in awe, holding it like it was a fragile piece of china. "Thank you dad!" You say excitedly.  On your way to school you open it up, trying to figure out how it works. You click on the touch screen, trying to follow the on screen instructions, but becoming completely lost. You spend a little too much time trying to figure it out, and you're nearly late for school. You jog into class, only beating the bell by a couple seconds. "Safe!" You say aloud, walking to your seat in front of Katsuki.

*A few minutes earlier*

"Did you guys notice something weird about Akemi?" Tsuyu asks, talking to the girls in the class. Katsukis ears perk up, listening intently at the sound of your name. "One time, I'm pretty sure I saw her on the news. Something about being attacked by Juno Moon?" "Yeah, I remember that now!" Ochako nods, remembering snippets of a news report a while back. "That's crazy, no wonder she's so shy around everyone! That must have scared her so bad!" Momo chimes in. "Yeah, shy around everyone but Bakugo." Kirishima says, wiggling his eyebrows at Katsuki. "Tch, shut your fucking mouth, stupid hair! You're all just some damn extras anyway" Shortly after this, you burst into the room, with only seconds to spare from the bell. "Safe!" You say, walking over to your seat in front of Katsuki. You're stopped by someone grabbing your wrist. Turning towards the culprit, you meet eyes with Todoroki.

"Hey, Aizawa, were you the one that was attacked by Juno Moon a few months ago?" He said, gaze unchanging. You freeze, memories flooding your mind instantly of your past. "Um.. W-Where did you hear that?" You stammer, trying to remain calm. "It was on the news." Todoroki states, figuring out the answer from your reaction. You begin to panic, not wanting to give away too much. "I... Um...-" "Let go of her, half and half bastard!!" An angry Katsuki jumps up from his seat, about to slam his fist into the back of Todorokis head, when the door suddenly opens, revealing a very angry and tired looking Aizawa. "Hey, shut the hell up and get back to your seats!" He shouts. Katsuki grabs your wrist roughly, leading you to your desk, You wince at the strength he uses to haul you away from Todorki. 'That's gonna leave a bruise...' The action doesn't go unnoticed by your dad. "Bakugo I thought I told you to stop being so handsy with other students" He states, taking his place behind his podium. "You never said shit-" Katsukis mouth is instantly covered by Shotas alloy scarf, shutting him up.

You sit down at your desk, taking your hand away from Bakugo, pouting and glaring at your father. As your dad is talking, you feel something poke your arm and you turn to see Todoroki passing you a small piece of paper. You take it with a puzzled look on your face as you hear growling from behind you, feeling your back heating up as steam practically pours out of Bakugous ears at Todoroki's action. You open the paper and read, "Wait for me after school, let's talk."  You glance over at Todorki and nod, wondering what more he wants to know. After class, Bakugo grabs your wrist as you're getting up to leave. "Are we training today or what? And did you get a damn phone cellphone yet?" You blink at him and nod "Yes, but I have to talk to Todoroki first." You say, dread crawling into your tummy, wondering how Bakugo was going to react. "ARE YOU REALLY GONNA TELL THE HALF AND HALF BASTARD WHAT HAPPENED?!" He yelled, feeling jealous as he thought you only trusted him. He wouldn't admit it, but he treasured the moment that you opened up to him and didn't want to share that with icyhot. You shrink back a little, taken aback by the sudden harsh grip he had on your wrist.

"Ouch Katsuki...I'm not even sure that's what he wants..." You wiggle your wrist out of his grip, wincing again. His eyes widened in anger. "Fine, you can do whatever the fuck you want." He grabbed his bag and walked out. You pouted, feeling a little disappointed by the way he had treated you. Why did it affect him if you told Todoroki what happened? You rubbed your wrist, even though he had grabbed you so hard, it didn't hurt nearly as bad as your chest ached. You picked up your bag and walked out of class, catching up to Todoroki outside. "Bakugo didn't come with you?" He asked and you shook your head. You stood there in silence for a minute, until he spoke up, clearing his throat. "So, was it you, Aizawa?" He asked bluntly. You took a second to think about how to phrase it without giving too much away. Nobody knew Shota was your father yet.

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