Ch.11 Ferris Wheel Fun

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A/N: WARNING! This chapter contains a wittle sexual content hehe. It may be kind of limey. We wuv u guys. We have huuuuge plans for the near-ish future in this story and we can't wait to see what you guys think buuuut until then...we can have some fun. >:3

"Ouch!" You yelp, falling out of bed. You look around quickly, realizing you were just in your room. "Was yesterday real...?" You think back to the sports festival, the drama with Todoroki and Mina, then at the end, kissing Katsuki. You feel your face heat up and you quickly place your hands on your cheeks, then moan at the pain you felt all over your body. "Yep, definently real." Slowly lifting yourself onto your bed, you get up and get ready for the day. As you're walking downstairs to get breakfast, you hear voices coming from the entry way.

"I told you she's sleeping, come back never."

"Listen here you old fuc-"


The door shuts as you place your foot on the last step, eyeing your dad wearily as he turns towards you. "Oh, good morning Akemi." You walk up to him and give him a small hug. "Morning dad... That voice sounded like Katsu-" "It was some Jehovas wittness trying to get me to believe in God or something don't worry about it." You give him a curious look, eyeing the door. Suddenly there's banging from the other side, and you hear Katsuki shouting. "HEY I HEAR HER VOICE YOU DAMN ASSHOLE!" You skip to the door and open it with a wide smile, seeing Katsuki stand before you. "Good morning!" You jump into his arms giving him a big hug. He gives you an awkward hug back, extremely aware of the set of eyes glaring at him from inside your house.

"What are you doing here so early?" You asked, pulling him in the front door. "You didn't read my texts?? Damn moron. I'm taking you to the amusement park today." He scowls, obviously disappointed that you hardly check your phone. "Oh, that sounds fun! I've never been to one before." You bounce up and down excitedly, looking back at your dad. "May I go??" He gives you a blank expression. "I guess. Don't be home too late though. 10pm." Him and Katsuki exchange a glance, and you notice Katsuki look away muttering something under his breath. "Thank you dad!!" You jump up and give him a hug. He holds you close a second, glaring at Katsuki behind your back and mouthing, "I'll be watching."

You quickly change and grab your wallet, taking Kastsukis hand in yours, walking out and down the road. When you get there, you stare at it in awe. There were lots of big rides, stalls for food and even some places to play games. "Woooow!!!" You stand there mouth agape. Katsuki looks down at you, face going red slightly. 'Damn, could her shirt be cut any lower??' He thinks, trying to calm himself down. After he declared his feelings for you yesterday, he couldn't stop thinking about all the things he could do with you now, an especially vulgar thought plaguing his mind-

"What should we do first, Katsuki??" You smile up at him, still holding his hand. "I don't know, wanna go on the rides or something?" He asks heading towards a roller coaster. You nod, staring up at the big ride a little wearily, hearing screams coming from it. "Katsuki, is this a torture device or something?" "No idiot, it's a thrill ride!" He pulls you along to wait in line. After a few minutes you get on, feeling more nervous when they strap you in. "Um Katsuki, I don't know if I want to do this anymo-"

Suddenly the ride creeps forward and your eyes go wide. Your launched at what feels like 100 miles per hour, twirling around and going upside down for parts of it. Once your initial scare wore off, you really enjoyed it, noticing Katsuki grinning ear to ear, but after the ride ended you felt VERY dizzy and even more weak than before. "That was fun but... I'm dizzy, can we eat something Katsuki? I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday and I didn't eat much then.." You clung to his arm walking away from the ride, squeezing against him as the world seemed to be spinning around you.

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