Ch. 22 Save me

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A/N: More drama. Let's see what happens as the villains attempt to take control shall weeee?

You jolt awake, glancing around trying to gather your bearings. "Where the heck..?" You notice the familiar white walls and beeping noises of the hospital. You hold your head in your hands, remembering the previous events that happened. Eyes shooting open you stare at the door as a nurse walks in, walking over to you casually. "Ah so you're awake." She smiles. "What happened...?" You ask, the last thing you remember is reaching out to Katsuki...

"If you want the boy back safely, follows these instructions."

The 'nurse' hands you a note, walking out giggling. You stare after her confused, glancing over the note and seeing an address and time. Even through the pain you realize this must have been someone from the league of villains, so you prepare yourself to get up and follow the directions, only caring about Katsuki's safety.

A few minutes after you wake up Todoroki comes in, along with Izuku, Ida, Kirishima and Momo. You glance at them, hiding the note behind you. "Hello...?"

"Akemi, we would like to discuss rescuing Bakugo with you." Momo states, explaining that she placed a tracker on a Nomu, presuming that Katsuki might be close to there it is. You close your eyes tightly, listening in on there plan. You were still in an immense amount of pain, but the heartache of knowing Katsuki was out there somewhere kidnapped was worse then any physical pain you could ever feel.

"Alright, I'll meet you guys in front of the hospital at 11 tonight..." You state, knowing full well you were heading out 2 hours prior to the location on the paper.

-Later that night-

You had managed to walk out of the hospital, heading towards the meeting place on the note. It's at abandoned warehouse, somewhere you've never been before. When you enter you see your mother in the middle, Katsuki in handcuffs and something over his mouth. Your eyes go wide, wasn't your mother killed in the flames....?

"Ah my dear sweet daughter, I'm so glad you could make it.." Juno Moon states, pulling Katsuki's restraints tight causing him to groan. You glare at her, lowering your hands. "I thought you were dead... what do you want???"

"You thought i would die so easily??? Hah! And it's simple my dear, your life for his."

She tosses Katsuki nearly in front of you, his eyes pleading, heading shaking side to side telling you not to do it. You stare at him, sadness fillingyour every feature. "If I go with you, you'll let him go....?" You question, unsure.

"Yes, this boy is of no use to us. You on the other hand, have a great purpose...." Your mom laughs, whipping Katuki's chains up and down causing him to let out a muffled scream. You scowl, your heart aching at his pain. Without a second thought you make your decision.

"Fine, take me, but let him go first."

Juno Moon lets out a loud laugh. "You care about this boy that much?"

You nod, holding back frightened tears. You knew what was coming was going to be bad, but you would rather go through anything a thousand times rather than having Katsuki mixed up in any of this. "You have to let him go first though!" You spit out, clenching your fists. "Your wish is my command, my dear Akemi." Your mother laughs, releasing Katsuki from his chains as she pulls you towards her, encompassing you in an energy shield.

You see Katuski screaming, trying to fight back as Kurogriri teleported him away. Tears flows down your eyes as you muster the biggest smile you can towards him, shouting, "It'll be ok Katsuki, I promise! I love you!!" And with that, your world goes black...

Villain Tendencies [ Katsuki Bakugo x OC ] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now