Ch. 6 Condoms

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A/N:I literally laughed so hard while writing this I almost peed myself. Enjoy!!!

You woke up a while later, and the doctor discharged you, but said your dad had to stay there a while longer. Since you fought your mom, the police questioned you a bit, mainly asking what her appearance was now, her quirk, what she said.. Anything that could be useful to them. After you were done, one of the police officers took you home.

As you enter your house, Hobo runs into your arms, grateful to finally have someone home. "Hey there, Hobo. I guess no one's been here to feed you huh..." You look around at your empty house, sadness filling you up. You feed Hobo and take a shower, washing away all the blood, dirt and grime. Afterwards you check your phone, and you see a text from Katsuki.

King Explosion Murder:You make it home alright?

You smile a little, happiness filling you up at the thought of Katsuki thinking about you. You're about to reply as you're walking down the stairs, and you notice how empty it is without your dad there. He wasn't home all that much anyways, but not knowing when he'll be home again really hit you hard. You feel tears prickling in your eyes, and you hear another ding from your phone.

King Explosion Murder: Answer me you damn idiot or I'm coming over there.

You shakely reply, feeling the tears streaming down your face now.

Akemi: Yes thnj u katsi

You hit send and sink down to your knees, holding your phone tightly as light sobs fill your chest. Suddenly your phone starts ringing and you pick it up quickly. A scratchy hello is all you can manage.

"What's wrong?"

You feel yourself going deeper into sadness, hearing Katsukis voice and realizing you just wish he was with you. Your lack of a quick response instantly puts Katsuki off. "I'm coming over." *click* You hear the dial tone now. You let the phone slip from your hands as you hug your knees, sobs racking your body now. Being completely emotionally and physically drained from the day prior finally taking its toll on you.

A few minutes later you hear your front door open, footsteps quickly approaching you. Strong arms wrap themselves around your torso, Katsukis warm embrace being the thing you needed most right now. "Oy, idiot...." He holds you tightly, knowing that's probably the only thing he can do for you right now. And that's how you sat for what felt like a long time, until you finally drifted into unconsciousness.

The next day you wake up to your alarm going off, quickly shutting off the annoyance. You rub your eyes and glance around, trying to remember what happened the night before. The last memory you had was falling asleep in Katsukis arms, yet here you were neatly tucked into bed. You get up and head downstairs.

"Good morning." You jump, completely startled by your dad's voice coming from the kitchen. You run to him, seeing that he's still completely covered in bandages head to toe. You hug him lightly, "What the heck are you doing out of the hospital???" "There's more important things to worry about right now... like how I found you and Bakugo sitting on the floor oh so romantically in eachothers arms last night."

Your face instantly goes red. "W-well you see...." "Don't worry, he explained the situation to me. But I think we should talk." He sits down and eyes the chair next to him, signalling for you to sit too. "How do you feel about Bakugo?" You look down at your hands, thinking hard how to express how you've been feeling towards him. "Well.... whenever he's around.... some times I think I'm about to have a heart attack." You nod and he deadpans. "And when he's not there, some times I feel really lonely.... but mostly when I'm with him, I feel really safe." You nod, satisfied at your explination. "Do you know what that means, Akemi?" You stare at your dad, confused. Then you remembered your conversation with Katsuki in the library a while back. "I know it means we're close friends." You see your dad straighten up, clearing his throat a little. "Did your mom ever tell you.... about the birds and the bees?" You give him an odd look. "Of course I know about birds and bees does that really matter ri-"

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