Ch. 7 Horror movie

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A/N: Welcome back reader-chans! Just a little filler before we move onto the sports festival! Enjoy!

"What the heck are all these people doing here?!" Midoriya shouts, staring wide eyed at all the students surrounding your classroom. You glance over at them, noticing them pointing and whispering to eachother. Suddenly Katsuki gets up, pulling you along with him. He stops at the entrance, glaring at each and everyone of the students blocking his way. "They're here to scout out the competition." Katsuki snarls. You look at them, peeking out from behind Katsuki's shoulder. "Well at least now you know what a future pro looks like." He anounces arrogantly."K-kacchan..."Midoriya raises a finger tentatively" "I always knew class 1a was only full of egotistical dipshits." You see a boy walk out from the crowd with purple hair, looking extremely simliar to your dad. You eye him suspiciously, wondering why he looks like him so much.

'Was dad a ladies man?'

"Tch." Kastsuki grunts, pushing his way out while you stay behind, still distracted by your possible half brother. "Hey Aizawa." You turn around, smiling as Todoroki walks up to you. "What's up?" Todoroki smirks inwardly, finally having his chance to talk to you without Bakugo around. "I was wondering if you'd like to train together before the sports festival?" You eye him curiously, slightly afraid you'd be frozen or torched to death. "I find your quirk very intriguing, and I would like to see how I fair up against it."

"I dunno..." You raise an eyebrow at him. "I guess it would be ok... As long as you don't 'brain freeze' me." Todorki gives you a weird look. "Ok...? Anyways, I should get your number so we can figure out when to meet up." You smile and nod, exchanging phone numbers. Afterwards you head out to the training grounds, meeting Katsuki there. "Oy, what took you so long?" You shrug, starting to stretch. You look up at him with a determined expression, shouting loudly, "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" "What the actual fuck YOU CAN'T JUST GO AROUND YELLING SHIT LIKE THAT!"

You laughed and nodded "Okay Katsuki" You said playfully, feeling pumped up to start training after seeing all the other kids at school today.

You collapsed on the ground again after losing another match to Katsuki, grinning. "I think I'm gonna win soon, Kacchan~" You said innocently, remembering the nickname you had heard Midoriya say many times before. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME THAT FOR. THAT STUPID FUCKING DEKU.."He said raucously, jumping up and firing explosions out of his hands. You frowned "You don't like it, Kacchan~?" You said again, sitting up and meeting his fiery red eyes with your big doe like eyes. "NO I FUCKING DON'T SO CUT THAT SHIT OUT!" He roared, voice wavering a little at the end as he turned his head away from you. You snickered and made a mental note to remember to use it as blackmail against him, getting up and picking your stuff up to head home.

The next day was a day off from school so you were getting ready to head to the library for the day as your dad wasn't home once again. As you were walking out the door, you heard your phone ding and picked it up to see Todoroki had texted you.

Shoto Todoroki: Are you free to train this afternoon, Aizawa?

Akemi: Yup, I was just going to go to the library but that's all. Where do you want to meet?

You arranged to meet at a training grounds near the school in an hour, and you made your way over even though you would be early.

To your surprise, as you arrived 45 minutes early, Todoroki was already there warming up.

"Hi Todoroki!" You skipped over to him excitedly "I didn't expect for you to be here so early! You should have just said so."

"I could say the same Aizawa." He stopped his stretches to come meet you halfway and you gave him a short hug as a friendly greeting, seemingly taking him by surprise as he didn't have time to hug you back. "Uh, are you ready to spar?" He asked and you nodded, backing up to the edge of the field. "Don't go easy on me!" You said, rolling up your sleeves and getting ready as he walked to the other side of the field.

Villain Tendencies [ Katsuki Bakugo x OC ] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now