Ch.20 Training Camp

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A/N: Aaaaare ya ready kids? I caaan't heaaar youuu... OHHH THERE WAS AN AKEMI THAT LIVED IN BNHA (AKEMI AIZAWA!) Sorry that's been stuck in my head the entire time I was writing this and I just needed to share it with you guys. This chapter is emotional in many different ways so grab a snack and a tissue and buckle up reader-chans. ヽ|・◇・|ゞ

After Katsuki woke you up, you headed to the lounge with the rest of your classmates and teachers, clinging to Katsuki since you were still feeling mixed emotions from your dream.

"Alright everyone, from here we're heading to a training camp for a week. It's gonna be intense, so I hope you enjoyed your rest while we were here, and don't worry. we already got permission from your parents." You pout a little bit, you only felt more tired than you had before you had come, but training sounded good all the same. You still felt determined to become a strong hero.

You all piled onto the bus and you took your usual seat next to Katsuki, his arm securely wrapped around you the whole time, occasionally eyeing Todoroki suspiciously as you gratefully cuddled into his arms.

This was where you felt happiest, surrounded by your friends in Katsuki's arms with your dad nearby. It really couldn't get better. The occasional snide remarks from your classmates and Katsuki's outbursts made you feel at home and comfortable. At this point, you didn't have to say much to be included in everyone's conversation, you had found your place in the group, and it felt good to say the least.

It quickly came to an end though, the ride to the training camp feeling surprisingly short thanks to you staying wrapped up in conversation and Katsuki's arms the whole time.

Immediately after you all had stepped off the bus, you were taken by surprise by The Wild, Wild Pussycats. They were confusing and extremely out there, but you liked it even though Katsuki was scowling the whole time. "You know, you kind of act like a cat too Katsuki, maybe you should join them when you become a hero?" You giggle quietly. "THE FUCK I AIN'T NO DAMN CAT YOU IDIOT! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN ON ABOUT!"

"I can see it too Akemi-chan. You can practically imagine a cat's tail aggressively flicking around when he gets angry." Ochaco giggles with you as Katsuki continues to yell until he's cut off by Aizawa's alloy scarf, which quickly shut him up.

The Wild Wild Pussycats explained that all of the surrounding area was their territory and they would be able to safely train without the League of Villains popping in, which made you sigh with relief, feeling even more comfortable with both Katsuki and your dad by your side.

Suddenly, you feel the ground give out underneath you as you and your classmates begin cascading down the mountain. "EH??" You screamed, as you grasped in the air, trying to find something to soften your landing.

"YOU HAVE THREE HOURS TO REACH THE FACILITY AND GET THROUGH THE BEASTS FOREST!" One of the supervisors called from above as you land on top of Katsuki, who face planted on the ground due to you grasping at him and pulling you with him. "WHAT THE FUCK get off me dammit!" You jump up off his back, and quickly look around for any immediate dangers.

"The beasts forest...?" You mutter, dusting yourself off and taking in your surroundings. You see something big moving ahead in the darkness "...What is that?" You point ahead, and the beast comes forward into the light. Before you knew it, Katsuki was no longer at your side and was charging in with the rest of the more heroic boys from class 1-A.

You charged in with them quickly, deciding it best to back them up with your energy shields. The team work was extraordinary considering some of the separations between some of your classmates. You charged through monster after monster, and anytime someone was close to getting hurt you pushed them out of the way or guarded them with your energy shields. By the time it was over, you were all exhausted, starving and ready to collapse.

Villain Tendencies [ Katsuki Bakugo x OC ] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now