Ch.24 I love you

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A/N: Here reader-chans. Have a nice relaxing chapter uwu Or is it... ←~∋(。Ψ▼ー▼)∈

-In class a few days after the incident-

You stretch after the bell rings, your last class for the day finally coming to an end. "Man, all these tests and training for our upcoming provisional license exam is killing me!" You yawn, stretching your arms back and looking at Katsuki. "You're telling me." He grunts. Glancing at the door you stand up, gathering your things. "I gotta use the restroom before we head home."

"Alright let's go." Katsuki says jumping up and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "Katsuki, I understand but you can't come into the bathroom with me!" You begin walking towards the bathroom. "Why not? I've seen it all already." You scowl and pinch his arm playfully. You arrive at the bathrooms and take his arm off your shoulder, walking towards the woman's door but your stopped by your collar choking you from Katsuki grabbing the back of your shirt. "You can go into the mens bathroom with me. Kids do it all the time don't they?"

You pout and furrow your eyebrows "Katsukiii! I'm not going into the bathroom with you! Wait outside the door pleaaase. I don't wanna get in trouble."

"Does it look like I care? You're a special case." He gets behind you, placing his arms under your shoulders and lifting you up as you punch and kick at the air, taking you straight into the men's restroom. There's seemingly no one in there but he covers your eyes nonetheless, placing you into a stall with himself.

"At least turn around!" You shout, crossing your arms over your chest and puffing out your cheeks. Katsuki smirks, turning around as you do your business. As you're exiting the stall, you run hard into Katsuki's back. "Hey don't stop so suddenly-"

"Aizawa and Bakugo...?"

Your eyes go wide as you stare down at little Mineta. "I-it's not what it looks like!!!" You stammer, hiding yourself behind Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki grunts, turning a deathly glare at the little guy. Mineta raises his eyebrows at you, a nasty smirk spreading across his face. "Oh, it's fine... Do you mind if I join- OW!"


Katsuki's foot goes so far up Mineta's ass it's a wonder how he was ever able to sit down again. He quickly shuffles you out of the bathroom and you sigh, crossing your arms over your chest again. "See Katsuki, it's only trouble if we have to go to the restroom together."

"Next time just fucking hold it then!" He yells, grabbing your things to carry them for you.

It had been like this ever since the incident, Katsuki never left your side once since then. Your dad was keeping to himself, working most nights so you either had Katsuki stay with you or you stayed over at his house, a warm welcome from his family every time.

"Where are we staying tonight Katsuki? My dad says he's working all night again." You ask as you walk out of school.

"We can stay over at your place then. My old hag is getting on my nerves anyway." He grumbles as you take his free hand in yours and nodding.

You arrive at home and open the door with exuberance. "We're hoooooooome!" You throw yourself face down onto the couch. You hear a snort and then bags dropping, and not a moment later Katsuki picks you up and sits down on the couch in your place, holding you in his lap and pressing his lips against yours. You feel yourself melt into it but end it abruptly.

"Uh-uhhh. We have homework remember?"

"You think I give a rats ass about homework when I got you in my arms?" He scowls, lowering his face to yours again. You put your hand in front of his face. This was also something that's changed slightly since you got back, Katsuki has been extra loving. It was almost scary.

Villain Tendencies [ Katsuki Bakugo x OC ] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now