Ch. 31 Apology [LEMON]

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A/N: BEWARE! This is purely a short lemon. Of course per usual it won't pertain to the actual plotline, just Katsuki and Akemi's relationship. So if you're uncomfortable just skip to the next chapter! xoxo

You wrap your arms and legs around him, despite only being in a towel, immediately feeling calmer from his warmth surrounding you.

"I'm sorry." You both utter at the same time. His tone was a little rougher, but modest. While yours came out very soft. You smile at him as his grip tightens around you and tears form at the corners of your eyes as another tornado of emotions come pouring out. "Today was s-so h-hard I needed you so b-bad I'm soooorrryy." You sob out, tears streaming down your face again with snot mixing in.

"It's whatever. Can ya stop crying already dammit? I'm sorry I wasn't there. I should have realized somethin' weird was going on. Gross, you're gonna get snot on me you shitty girl." You laugh through your tears, wiping your face with your towel and nuzzling into his neck. "I love you." You both say at the same time again, causing you to laugh again and causing him to smirk.

You wriggle out of his grasp, feeling peacefulness take control of your emotions again. All I needed this whole time was Katsuki I guess.


You pick up your phone to check the missed calls and see one was from your dad, and there was a text from him too.

Dad: You can go to bed. We'll all talk again tomorrow. Kyo is staying at my apartment for the night while I work.

"Who the fuck is Kyo?" Katsuki scrunches his nose as if he smelled something bad.

"It's a long story, can we just talk about it in the morning?"You ask tentatively. You really just wanted to spend quality time with him and make it up to him for your bad attitude all day. 

He scowls at you for a moment but nods. "Whatever, as long as it's nothing bad right? I don't have to be worried about you?"

You smile at him again, wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him on top of you on the bed. "No, you don't need to be worried. Especially when you're here with me...I wanna make it up to you anyway."You laugh as his expression changes to that of a surprised cats. He moves upwards in an attempt at pinning you down, but as hes doing so your towel comes undone underneath him, causing him to smirk. 

"Oh yeah?" You quickly feel yourself become hot all over, your face flushing red as he bends forward, placing a hand on either side of you and sucks on your hardened nipple. You gasp out, the air in the room suddenly changing and becoming warmer and more electric.

"N-no Katsuki...I wanna make it up to you." You put your hand under his chin and push his face up so that his eyes meet yours. You were blushing profusely, eyes darkened and half closed and full of lust. You sit up and try to gently push him over but he doesn't budge, so you push again but this time a little rougher, and get on top of him, your entire body bare right in front of his face.

"F-fuck, Akemi, what are you doing?!?" He asks, his mind becoming fuzzy. You grin, suddenly feeling powerful and a little more dominant than your usual self. "I wanna make it up to you..." You begin slipping off his shirt slowly, leaning forwards to pull it from around his head so that your chest is above his face without realizing it. You take your time on your way back down, taking advantage of being able to admire his toned body from above. It made you feel hotter and more excited. It made you want him more, made you want him to need you more.

Villain Tendencies [ Katsuki Bakugo x OC ] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now