Ch.25 Dorms

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The next day was a day off from school, so you got to sleep in, taking full advantage of Katsuki's bed while he went and trained. You laid spread out right in the middle, only having Katsuki's shirt on. After an hour he comes back, hot and sweaty. You tilt your head to the side, taking in his muscly figure through his muscle shirt.

"Like what you see?" He grins, pouncing on top of you and pinning you to the bed. "We could always go for round two..." You punch his arm playfully, rolling your eyes. "It would only be round two if we did it this morning, that was last night-"

"You're absolutely right." 

Katsuki places his hands under your(his) shirt, slowly making his way to your breasts and groping them, placing a knee between your legs and pushing up. Biting your lower lip you let out a small moan which only turns him on more. 

"I  haven't even brushed my tee- AH!" Katsuki abruptly thrusts two fingers into you, pumping them in and out fast. He uses one of his hands to cover you mouth, sucking on the side of your neck at the same time. You feel a knot forming in your stomach, wriggling underneath him. "K-Katsuki, I'm g-gonna..."


You both jump up quickly, completely startled. "I'M COMING GOD DAMMIT!" He yells back at his mom, staring at you laying on his bed, hot and breathless. He sighs angrily, placing a quick, rough kiss on your lips. "We'll have to finish this later..." You pout, sighing in frustration but getting up and putting on some shorts, leaving Katsuki's shirt on, curious to who the teacher was. You walk down with Katsuki, him going first. Suddenly you run into his back hard, rubbing your nose. "Oi Katsuki this again, you can't keep stopping suddenly my nose is probably broken-"


Your eyes go wide as a familiar voice says your name, your gaze snapping to your dad and All Might sitting on the couch with Katsuki's mom and dad on the opposite couch. "Oh, uh, hi, dad... All Might..." You smile awkwardly placing a hand behind your head. 

"Oh my, so YOU'RE our dear sweet Akemi's father!" Mitsuki shouts in surprise, recognition hitting her as she notices the similarities between you and Eraserhead. Your dad looks you up and down taking in the state of his one and only daughter, who he thought to be sleeping soundly at home. His eyes first focusing on the fact that you were wearing a shirt he knew to be Katsukis. After this his eyes zoned in on the not so hidden hickey on the side of your neck. You put your hand over the newly formed hickey, giving your dad an uncomfortable smile.

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you." He turns his attention back to the Bakugos, bowing slightly. "I can see where she gets her looks from!" Mitsuki states, waving her hands for the both of you to sit down. Katsuki sits between his parents and you take a shameful seat next to your dad, scared of the raging storm building within him. 

"Let's get down to business, as you already know we're here to see if you would entrust us with Bakugo to live in the dorms..."

Your dad drones on and you sigh, glad he didn't bring up you staying there without his knowing, although you knew that wouldn't last long when he got you alone.

"Of course, please take the little shit off of our hands!" Mitsuki grins. You look at her surprised, but happy, since you were also going to live in the dorms. You already discussed it with your dad when the idea was first brought up, and he agreed with it since he's never home very much any more anyways, always indulging in his workaholic ways.

"We definitely entrust this hellion to you, not only as a student of UA but as your future son-in-law!" She finishes, shoving Katsuki's head down to bow, causing him to growl and twitch under his mother's strong hand. You giggle, smiling every time Mitsuki did something motherly. You glance up at your dad who's staring at you slightly wide eyed. His gaze is diverted as All Might nudges him, whispering "Maybe I should buy YOU the drink."

Villain Tendencies [ Katsuki Bakugo x OC ] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now