Ch. 28 Provisional License Exam pt.2

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A/N: Appreciate our Akemi-chan in this one, and also appreciate some angry AND soft Katsuki uwu.

You immediately hop into action leaving Katsuki behind as your gut instincts kick in. There was so much damage, it was incomprehensible. Everything was crushed, there was dust everywhere, trees and building fallen to ground or still falling. 

You sprint towards the first person who catches your eye, an older lady trapped under a concrete boulder of sorts. It wasn't very big bit it was big enough to be crushing her entire lower body. "Ma'am, I'm gonna get you outta there okay?!" You declare reassuringly, thinking quickly about how best to move the boulder as you approach her. I can't crush it with my energy bullets...The pieces might fall and hurt her worse...

You concentrate and force energy to flow into your arms without releasing it, and then begin lifting the boulder off of her with all the energy and strength you can muster, red hot energy pulsating through your hands creating a small gap between your skin and the boulder. You promptly come to the decision that she can't move out on her own, and push it away with all your might, heaving deep breaths as you do so. It lands with a large thud on the ground beside her, pushing dust up off the ground. 

"Does it hurt anywhere? Can you move your legs?" You ask, kneeling down beside her. "No young miss, I can't move 'em. What are you going to do?" She asks almost as if she was quizzing you. You smile at here and pull her arms around your neck, lifting her up onto your back."You'll be okay! Don't worry, I'll take you to get fixed up." Your legs wobble a little bit, but you push through and jog over to where people being rescued were already collecting.

You drop her off and then sprint back into action, wondering where your gone as a passing thought. There were more important things to be dealing with, although you wondered if it was really okay to be subjecting people to this kind of thing just for a license test. 

"Waaaah! WAAAAAAH! I NEED HELP! WHY HASN'T ANYBODY COME TO HELP ME?!" You flip around, searching to find the source of the cries and spot a young girl, probably around 6 years old sitting on the ground with a bleeding leg. You dart towards her as quickly as possible, kneeling beside her. 

"Don't worry!! I'll take care of you! Are you hurt anywhere else?" You ask, taking her hand and squeezing it, analyzing the shallow wound on her knee. She shakes her head, rubbing tears from her eyes. "Is it okay if I carry you?" You ask, trying your best to smile kindly down at her. She nods and you pick her up and carry her with her head against your chest and her legs facing upwards in your other arm, as to avoid hurting her leg further. 

You sprint over to the nurses station and drop her off quickly. "They'll take care of you! You're okay now!" You smile and turn around again, rushing back out to the chaos.

It went on like this for a little while, you mostly worked by yourself, saving person after person with reassuring smile after smile. You were exhausted and your legs felt like jello, but you really felt like a hero. It was inexplicable, the feeling that took place in your heart as you saved people. The feeling when one of them would pay you a smile back or thank you. 

You were finishing dropping off an older short wobbly man at the nurses station, when a giant explosion blew you backwards onto the ground, and Gang Orca and a bunch of men in weird creepy suits marched in. Your eyes widened as you saw another old man nearby, not even 100 feet from Gang orca, but probably almost ten times farther from you. You felt a rush of adrenaline as you ran over. "I'M COMING! I'LL SAVE YOU!" You shout, raising your fist in the air in answer to his wobbly arm. You watch as Gang orca raises a leg in the air, and you feel fear replace your adrenaline. Crap! If I don't get there now, that old man... Gang Orca's earthquakes...

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