Ch. 18 Beach pt.2

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A/N: Huehue hello reader-chans...boi chans are feeling particularly evil today. So we are writing something crazy for the chapter after this. We hope you enjoy. (・`ω'・)

Little did you know, a pair of heteorchromatic eyes were on you this whole time...

- Katsuki POV -

The guys decided to play a game of volleyball, which you were all about, wanting to beat that damn nerd and the fucking half and half bastard. You notice him continuously glancing over at Akemi, which threw you into a fit of rage. You spike the ball right towards his head, almost nailing him.

"Bakugo what the hell man you gotta aim for the line, not people!" Stupid hair (Kirishima) yells, giving you a disapproving look. "Tch, fuck that." You grumble, icyhot raising an eyebrow at you. "You can't even control yourself in a game of volleyball, Bakugo?" He challenges. "YOU'RE ONE TO TALK! CONTROL YOUR FILTHY FUCKING EYES YOU DAMN BASTARD!" Your quirk fires involuntarily as you scowl. Icyhot smirks, serving the ball towards the line behind you. Tape guy goes for it, but you send a small explosion into the sand, using it to reach the ball first and hitting it towards icyhot again.

This time it lands behind him and he sends a glare at you. "Maybe you should pay more attention to the game dumb fuck!" You shout and laugh mockingly. He gets ready to serve again when you hear Akemi calling out to you. You glance over, noticing  that she's holding a fish or some shit in her hand waving it in the air. 

"Katsuki, look I found a starfish!" Her bright smile lights up her face, causing your heart to go into over drive. Looking her up an down you admired the way her swimsuit fit her body perfectly. You wouldn't admit but you actually liked that you matched, show those fuckers who she belongs to-


You fall hard on your ass, feeling a throbbing pain where the volleyball had hit you in the head. You stare up disheveled, half and half piece of shit smirking towards you. "Hard not to stare at a hot girl in a bikini, eh Bakugo?"


You send an explosion towards the ground, propelling yourself over the net and flying towards him. A wall of ice forms in your way, but you easily blast through it effectively nailing a right hook straight into the half and half bastard's jaw. He goes flying, making a wall of ice to catch himself. He creates another one under his feet skidding himself fast towards you. You ready an explosion in both hands when suddenly you feel a cold, wet hand on your shoulder and your quirk stops. You turn towards the culprit and see Akemi, her bright eyes wide and shoulders heaving like she's out of breath. 

"Katsuki Bakugo!!!" She exclaims, releasing her hand from your shoulder and placing them on her knees, trying to catch her breath. You lower your hands and scowl. "If you fight you're gonna get us sent home." She frowns. "Tch, thought you said I could kick anyone's ass who stared at you...." You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest. Akemi glances at the rest of the boys, her eyes lingering on none other then fucking icyhot. 

-Akemi POV-

You walk over to Todoroki and push his chin up gently with your fingers."Are you okay Todoroki-kun?" You ask gently "You should cool it down with your icy side like you did for me that one time." 


You ignore him and look over Todoroki again, noticing some scratches here and there. "Maybe we should just go to the nurse?"

"You know, maybe we should. I think Bakugo needs some time to cool down anyway." You nod and turn to Katsuki. "Stop being so violent Katsuki!" You huff indignantly, feeling as if you were taking responsibility for his actions. 

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