Ch. 12 Meeting The Parents

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A/N: Aaaaaaand we're right back at it again! WARNING there is sexual content in this chapter, read at your own 'risk'! ^.~ We're literally probably going to have to put a warning at the beginning of almost every chapter now. ._.

As you're training with your dad one afternoon, a few days after your amusement park 'fun' with Katsuki, your phone rings, Katsukis ringtone playing. You quickly pick it up, your dad nodding and wiping the sweat from his brow. "Oi, my parents want to have you over for dinner tonight." Katsuki's annoyed voice states and your heart instantly drops. 'OH NO What if they don't like me?? What is I do something embarassing!? What is-' "HEY ARE YOU LISTENING?!" You jump up, startled at Katsuki's loud voice. "Oh, uh, yes! Sorry..." "So can you make it tonight or what?" He asks impatiently. You gulp. "Yes, of course! What time-" "I'll pick you up at 7."


You put your phone down, your hands slick with nervous sweat. "What's going on?" Shota asks walking over to you. You stare up at him, a nervous ball forming in the pit of your stomach. "I'm meeting Katsuki's parents at dinner tonight..." Shota nods in approval, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Don't be nervous, they're gonna love you." He grins extremely wide. "And if they don't I guess it'll be over between you and Bakugo." You deadpan, a sweat drop forming on your forehead. You finish up training and head home, showering and getting ready for the evening.

"What do I wear?" You peek into your closet, not entirely sure what would be appropriate. Katsuki told you the shirt you wore on your date was too 'low cut'. Although he didn't seem to mind in the ferris wheel...

You quickly shake the thought from your head, scanning through your almost none-existent wardrobe. You end up choosing a dark wash pair of skinny jeans and a plain black shirt, pulling your hair up in a high ponytail. Looking at the clock you sigh heavily. "Are they really going to like me...?" You give yourself one last look in the mirror, nodding in satisfaction.

"AKEMI the brats here!"

Opening your door you see Katsuki and your dad at the bottom of the stairs, staring at each other intensely. You skip down, giving your dad a quick kiss on the cheek. "I won't be gone long, love you dad!"

"Hold on."

You instantly freeze, turning towards Shota's disapproving expression. "Did you guys plan on matching outfits or what? That's so cheesy..." It was then you realized you and Katsuki were wearing almost identical outfits. You giggled, taking Katsukis hand and heading out the door. "I'll be back before 10!" You say, shutting the door behind you. Katsuki grumbles something about matching and being an idiot.

After a fairly short walk you come upon Katsukis house. Once you're up to the door, you stop for a second, taking in a deep breath. "Don't be nervous, you damn moron. They're gonna love you. And if they don't I'll fucking kill them." You give Katsuki an unsure look, but nod in determination. You walk in, Katsuki holding the door open for you. Glancing around you admire the quaintness of the place, everything pretty simple. "I'm home!" Your boyfriend yells out, leading you into the house.

"Oh my, she's real!" A lady yells out, rounding the corner and greeting you with a hug. She looks extremely similar to Katsuki, so you assume it's his mother. You give her a tentative hug back, surprised by her abruptness. "H-hello, I'm Akemi-" "OF COURSE SHE'S REAL YOU OLD HAG! Now let her go before you smother her to death!" Katsuki yells. His mom separates from you, glaring at her son. "YOU WATCH YOUR DAMN MOUTH YOU IDIOT SON! IF I WANT TO HUG MY FUTURE DAUGHTER IN LAW I WILL!" You sweat drop, realizing Katsuki's anger was a learned trait.


"Let's settle down you two, you're gonna scare the poor girl away." You glance up, seeing a middle aged man walking towards you. "Welcome dear, I'm Masaru Bakugo, Katsuki's father, and that fiery lady there is Mitsuki, his mother." You bow politely, smiling up at them. "I'm Akemi Aizawa, it's a pleasure to meet you." They both stare at you, mouths agape. "Katsuki how did you manage to snag such a delightful girl??" You blush at his mom's comment. They lead you into their dining room, food already laid out on the table.

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