Ch. 9 Don't kiss him!

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A/N: Drama part 2... uwu Are our reader chans ready for an epic fight??

As you and Bakugo enter the cafeteria and you approach the line. You come up behind Shinsou, and decide to approach him since you hadn't had a chance to the last time. Plus, you really wanted to put a little distance between you and Bakugo right now with your heart aching the way it did. As you came up behind him, you tapped his shoulder and waited for him to turn around. "Hey bro." You smiled a little mischievously, thinking this was very funny considering the similarities between him and your father. You watched his face scrunch together in confusion and glance to Bakugo beside you "Uh, okay." He said and turned back around, muttering something about how weird class 1-A was. "The fuck are you 'ssociating with the enemy for?" Bakugo muttered behind you, piling food onto his lunch tray. You shrugged "You don't think he looks like my dad?" Bakugo nodded, not wanting to push his luck with you right now.

You sat down to eat at a table alone with Bakugo, staying silent, reluctantly eating. Your stomach felt as if it was shrinking away from the food, like the throbbing of your heart was spreading throughout your body, making everything you did slow and hesitant. Bakugo watched you intently, sure that Todoroki was the one to make you feel this way.

"Oi, Are you thinking about what that bastard said this morning?" He said. You didn't answer, you were in your own world of heartache and choking food down. He poked you with his fork "The fuck is wrong with you? Are you ignoring me?" He grumbled. You jumped a little and stared at him for a second, shaking your head "What did you want?" You said. You turned your head upwards, seeing bouncing pink boobs heading in your direction. You narrowed your eyes and muttered "God fucking damnit." Bakugo looked at you incredulously "What the fuck is your probl-"

"Hi Katsuki!" Mina sat down beside him and across from you. You pushed yourself up from your seat quickly "I don't feel hungry anymore. I must be nervous or something. I'm gonna train for the next challenge." You walked away as quickly as you could, concentrating on the conversations around you rather than the one Bakugo and Mina might be having, and took your food to eat elsewhere until lunchtime was up.

You somehow felt like you were making things harder on yourself, but you also felt like you couldn't stand to be around them together. "Is this what they call being stuck between a rock and a hard place?" You muttered to yourself. You just couldn't help but feel like it was consuming you. I mean, you knew you liked Katsuki a lot, he was the one who protected you, who taught you, who trained with you, who made you laugh the most... You sighed and continued to eat your food as slowly as possible, dread tugging at your heart as you wondered what Mina and him were doing together.

After you finished, you headed back outside with everybody else to see who you would be fighting first. When you walked out, you saw Mina still practically glued to Katsuki. He started walking towards you but you met eyes with him and turned your back so you could face Midnight, as the 1v1's were about to be put up on the big screen "Hey what the fu-" Katsuki got cut off by Present Mic's booming voice as he commented on the matchups.

Your eyes went wide and you face palmed. Mina...fuck shit fuck fuck fuck fuck. You groaned with dread. You heard Katsuki from behind you "Isn't that floaty girl?" He looked up at the screen, mouth slightly agape with confusion. You turned around to address him as you normally would, but Mina giggled at him "You're so dumb, Katsuki! You hardly even know your classmates!" She held onto his bicep. You felt anger rising in your stomach again. I have to beat her. You decided, fists clenched at your sides. You briskly walked up to the viewing seats with the rest of 1-A to watch Katsuki and Uraraka fight, your mind only filled with hurt and anger.

You watched as Katsuki and Uraraka's fight began, and you felt sympathy for her. You knew what it was like fighting Katsuki after all, but not when he had killing intent. You cringed every time she got hurt. Suddenly, you noticed a boulder flying up and your heart rate quickened, realizing the sky was filled with them. Fuck, Katsuki... You suddenly felt a little nervous for him, the outcome not being so obvious. It continued like this for awhile and you gripped your seat as people started yelling profanities at Katsuki. Your father quickly corrected them, and Uraraka released all the boulders and rocks, only to have Katsuki overcome them. You gripped your shirt, letting out a sigh of relief.

Villain Tendencies [ Katsuki Bakugo x OC ] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now