Ch. 15 Anxiety and Comfort

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You woke up the next morning(after sleeping for 14 hours) in the same position, but alone on Katsuki's bed instead. Katsuki was sleeping on the pallet beside the bed. You pouted a little, wishing you had woken up next to him instead. You crawled out of bed and sneaked onto the pallet beside him, wriggling your way into his arms. "The fuck do you want?" He muttered, unconsciously pulling you closer in his sleep. You smiled up at him happily even though his eyes were still closed.

"Time to wake up Kaccha-" 


"YOU MIGHT AS WELL GET YOUR LAZY ASS OUT OF BED UNLESS ALL YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IS SCREAM IN THE MORNING KATSUKI!" You flinched as Mitsuki's voice boomed from another room in the house. "FUCKING SHUT IT DAMNIT." He groaned again and slowly sat up, scowling at the sunlight coming in through the window. 

"We slept for so long and you're still grumpy." You pinched at his cheeks and he swatted your hand away, growling as you laughed it off. "What do you want to do today? You wanna go on a date or somethin'? We can take advantage of your dad not creeping on us." He smirked and you immediately nodded in response, ignoring his comment about your dad. The emptiness in your stomach felt like it could consume you since you hadn't eaten dinner last night. 

You assumed Mitsuki had decided to not wake you guys. Even though it felt good to sleep for so long in a home... you wished you had waited until you could eat to get that well deserved rest. "I'm starving, can we go now?" 

You hopped up but Katsuki grabbed your wrists and pulled you back down "I'm not ready yet. I wanna stay alone longer." He muttered, pulling you  into a soft, loving kiss that you melted into, straddling his hips. It stayed like that for a moment, your heart thumping softly in your chest, before you pulled away and rested your head on his chest. "But I'm so huuuuungry!" You whined. "Tch, whatever, I guess I can have you to myself later." You grinned. "I have to shower first though!" 

"As long as you hurry up I guess it's fuckin' fine." He said, laying back down against the pallet again. You hurried up and showered as quickly as possible, the warm water felt as if it washed away all of your anxieties. After you got out, you wrapped up in a towel and realized you had forgotten your clothes. "K-katsuki! I'm coming in but I have no clothes so... don't look!" You called as quietly as possible before opening the door. 

As soon as you pushed it open, you saw Katsuki smirking at you. "K-KATSUKI! DON'T BE A PERVERT!" You grabbed a pillow and whacked him with it, immediately going to your bag to pick out your clothes. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH SEEING MY GIRLFRIEND IN A TOWEL!" He yelled back, throwing the pillow back at you. "KATSUKI IF I FIND OUT YOU'RE BEING A PERVERT TO DEAR AKEMI-CHAN YOU'RE DEAD YOU HEAR ME?? I WON'T HAVE ANY SON OF MINE ACTING THAT WAY." 

You nodded and stuck your tongue out at him as if you had won the argument, but he wasn't done yet. "I've already touched most of it anyway, what's wrong with seein' it?" He smirked, reaching up to grab you. You moved out of the way and towards the door, this time with your clothes and left the room quickly, leaving a scowling Katsuki behind. Phew, close one. 

You and Katsuki headed out shortly after. Mitsuki made sure to warn Katsuki that if anything happened to you he'd be dead. You walked for awhile until you were in the middle of town in a particularly crowded place. You were feeling a little anxious surrounded by people after what had happened the last time you were out in public. Actually, the last two times, considering the hand that had grabbed you and slipped you the note your mother had written.

 "Can we eat alreaaady? I think if I stand up any longer I'll pass out." You whined over dramatically, wanting to go sit inside somewhere so you might feel a little more safe. Katsuki rolled his eyes and pointed at a food stand "I'll go get some snacks for now, you sit down and wait alright?" He gestured toward a little table outside the stand with an umbrella over it. 

Villain Tendencies [ Katsuki Bakugo x OC ] COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now