Ch. 16 Condoms pt.2 [LEMON]

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A/N: Please be gentle, this is my first time writing something like this! ->.<- It doesn't tie into the storyline at all so if you aren't comfortable with it, it's not a necessary read. Let me know how good(bad) I did! 

Once you get to Katsuki's house, he opens the door, seeing all of the lights are off. He sets you down and you notice a note on the fridge.

"Gone out for the night, we won't be back until the morning! You two have fun! ^.~

- Mom and Dad"

"Those damn fucking idiots." Katsuki growls, crumpling the note and shoving it in the trash. "So, we're alone for tonight...?" You glance over at him, his hair covering his face. "Y-yeah..." He takes a quick look at you, cheeks dusted in pink. Eyes wide and innocent, you walk up close to him, eyes focusing on his. 

"Does that mean.... 

We can.... 

Stay up all night playing games???"

Katsuki deadpans and you beam up at him, pulling him towards his parents game cabinet. "I've been eyeing this ever since the first time I came here! I looked up some of the games on the internet, and I really wanna play this one!" You pull out Scrabble, holding it up to Katsukis face. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?? That's all you can think of??" You eye him curiously, putting the game down. "We can find a different game if you want-" "I know the perfect 'game'." He grins, swinging you over his shoulder and carrying you upstairs to his bedroom. 

He lays you down on the bed, putting his legs on either side of you and pinning your arms above your head. You look at him wide eyed, butterflies filling your tummy. He slowly places his lips on yours, moving them slowly and you enjoy how soft and warm they are. Licking your bottom lip your breath hitches, and he uses this to thrust his tongue into your mouth, slowly exploring the inside. You let him for a while, then try to move your tongue into his, a battle of dominance ensuing, Katsuki letting you have your way after a while. You slowly swirl your tongue around his, your hands twitching in his grip wanting more of him. 

Katsuki separates his mouth from yours, kissing along your jaw and down your neck, nibbling and sucking along the way. Moaning lightly you try again to move your hands. "K-Katsuki, I wanna touch you..." You whimper as he finds a sensitive spot right above your collar bone. He sucks at it aggressively, leaving a large hickey. Katsuki lets go of your hands and puts his behind your head pulling you into a deep kiss. 

You move your hands to his chest, running your fingers along the planes of his abs. He shivers under you touch causing you to smirk at his reaction. You finger the edge of his shirt, looking at him for permission to take it off. He moves your hand and rips it off himself. Ogling at his toned chest and broad shoulders, you suddenly feel his hands go underneath your own shirt, fervently groping your breasts.

Moaning you pull him closer, nibbling his earlobe and you hear him growl, his touch becoming rougher. He lifts you up pulling your shirt off in one quick motion. You blush, noticing him staring at your upper body. "You're so fucking hot." He puts his mouth right next to your ear, whispering huskily. He kisses down your neck to your chest, unclasping your bra and swiftly throwing it to the side. His hot mouth moves down to your nipple, tongue gently rolling over it. You moan louder, heat pooling in your tummy. His other hand runs down the curvature of your side, grasping your hip and pulling you into him. 

You smirk, quickly push him down so he's on the bottom, sitting as you straddle him.  You feel his dick straining through his pants, grinding your hips into him as you slam your mouth into his. Katsuki grabs your ass and pulls you closer to him, and you kiss down his neck, copying his motions by licking and sucking. You feel his erection getting harder, causing more pleasure as you continued to grind against him. Moaning loudly you accidentally bite his bottom lip, but it only turned him on more. "Ah, fuck!" He groans, pinning you under neath him again. 

Katsuki pulls at your pants, unbuttoning them and slowly sliding his hand in your panties, placing one finger on your clit and rubbing it back and forth. You gasp, bucking your hips up needing more. "K-Katsuk, I need m-more.." He looks you in the eyes, trying to find clarity. "I want to... You know... Do the thing..." 

"You gotta tell me if you want me to stop, ok?" You nod. Katsuki quickly lifts you up, swiftly throwing the rest of your clothes to the side, leaving you naked under him. He kisses down your breasts to your stomach, stopping right before you clit. He looks up at you, his crimson orbs asking for permission. You nod, staring at him curiously. Suddenly his tongue is on you, licking up and down furiously. 

You yelp, the sudden pleasure bursting through you. He pins your arms to your sides, continuing his savage attack on you. Slowly he licks farther down, inserting his tongue into you, going in and out. You feel a familiar tight knot forming in your stomach. "K-katsuki I'm gonna..." You feel him stop, lifting himself up to kiss you on the mouth. You pout as he still has your arms pinned. 

Katsuki slowly unbuttons his pants, pulling them down leaving him only in his boxers. He looks down at you, brushing one of his hands softly on the side of your face. "Are you sure you want this, Akemi?" You nod, feeling your heart beat extremely fast, becoming nervous. You weren't exactly sure how his member was going to fit inside of you.

Katsuki pulls his boxers off. His eyes go wide for a second, then he quickly rummages through the dresser next to his bed, pulling out a condom and sliding it on. He looks at your big eyes, feeling his heart about to beat out of his chest. "Just tell me if it hurts too much." He puts himself at your entrance, slowly pushing in. You feel a stabbing pain, quickly replaced with an insane pleasure you've never felt before.

"I can't believe i-it fit.." You grip onto the bed sheets, your eyes looking into Katsukis. "Please, f-faster." Katsuki grins, moving himself in and out of you. He grips onto your hips, going faster as you moan louder, not being able to control yourself. He starts slamming into you, grunting and breathing heavily. He slows down, his eyes locked onto yours. 

"I want you to scream my name." 

You bite your lip, moving your hips trying to get him to go faster. "K-Katsuki...."

He thrusts into you hard, causing your whole body to jolt. "Louder or I'll fucking stop."

"Katsuki!!!" You nearly scream as he pounds into you, the knot in the stomach coming undone. Hot pleasure wracks your entire body. He feels your walls clenching around him, causing him to go over the edge. "Fuck, Akemi!" He moans, his pulsing member quickly spilling its load. 

He slowly pulls out of you, discarding the condom into the garbage bin next to his bed. He cringes at the memory of how he got them.

You lay there a hot panting mess, trying to catch your breath and calm your heart beat. Katsuki lays beside you, pulling you into his chest as you cuddle into him.

"So," he smirks, "how'd you like that game?"

A/N: =O.O= *douses self in holy water*


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