Ch. 32 Trust your gut

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The next morning you wake up in Katsuki's arms, completely content and happy. Snuggling into him closer you take in his scent, sighing contentedly. "Oi, you're finally awake." Startled you look up at your boyfriend who's staring straight down at you. "I thought you were still asleep..." You pout. "How can I sleep when I have you snoring in my ear all night?"

"I do NOT snore!!" You sit up, grabbing a pillow and hitting Katsuki with it. He smirks, chuckly lightly and grabs you in a tight embrace. Snuggling his face into your hair you feel him breath in deeply, letting you go. "I wanna know what's up with that guy that came in with you yesterday." You stick out your lower lip. "Of course all the fun has to come to an end..." You explain everything that happened yesterday, not leaving any details out.

"So you're tellin' me this guy who looks like you just so happens to run into you on the street? And he's your twin brother?" You nod. "What do you think of this whole thing, Katsuki?" He lays back down, placing his hands behind his head and staring up at the ceiling. "I think it's fuckin' weird, I wouldn't trust the guy. He survived on his own? Tch, yeah right." You smile, thankful for Katsuki's input. Running your hand through his soft hair he closes his eyes and pushes his head into your hand farther. He opens his eyes and stares into yours. "Just be careful. If anything seems fishy I won't hesitate to beat his ass."

You nod, glancing at your clock and realizing it was time to get up and start getting ready for school. As you were getting ready you contemplated what Katsuki had said. You didn't really trust Kyo, but you weren't opposed to giving him a chance, since he was your brother after all. You decided you would try to get to know him more, hopefully opening him up and seeing what he's really all about.

As everyone files into the classroom and takes their seats, your dad walks in, Kyo shuffling in behind him. "Class, this is a new student. His name is Kyo Moon, and he'll be transferring into the hero course as of today."  You raise your eyebrows, surprised principal Nezu let him join. You notice Shouto glance from him to you, raising an eyebrow as if asking if you knew him. You give him a curt nod, putting your attention back to Kyo. Everyone else looks at him curiously and Ida raises his hand. "Aizawa-Sensei, we're already on our second year though, is it really ok to have someone new right now?" Your dad nods, placing his hands in his pockets. "I get where you're coming from, and Kyo will have a lot to make up for, but we see great potential in him and expect him to catch up quickly."

Ida nods, satisfied with his answer. "Kyo, you can take a seat next to Akemi, who can show you around later." Kyo does as he's told, constantly pulling at his tie looking extremely uncomfortable. You turn towards him and smile, whispering, "Don't worry, it's actually really fun here! I'm glad you got to get in." He simply nods, turning his attention towards your dad. 

"Psst, Akemi-chan." You turns towards Uraraka who was whispering to you. "Is he your brother or something? You guys look so much alike!" "Yeah I agree." Tsu chimes in. You giggle, actually trying to hold back your nerves. "That's nonesense." They look between you two but nod as you give them a smile. Throughout class you notice multiple stares between you and Kyo. After class Shouto beckons you towards him. 

"Is that you brother or something?" You nod quickly feeling Katsuki's angry gaze on your back. "It's a long story, but he's my twin brother that was supposedly dead." Shouto gives you an odd look but before he could respond you were ripped away by Katsuki who pulls you out of the classroom where Kyo was waiting. "Oh, sorry Kyo! I guess I'm showing you arou-"

"Listen here asswhipe."

Katsuki grabs Kyo by the collar, slamming him against the wall and glaring at him. "I don't care who you say you are, you're on my fuckin' shit list until you prove yourself otherwise." Kyo glares back at him as Katsuki pushes him into the wall farther. "And if you do anything to my Akemi I'll clean the fucking floor with your shitty face." Kyo winces slightly but still doesn't utter a word. Katsuki lets him go and he falls to his feet smoothly, fixing his collar. 

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