Ch. 19 Engaged

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A/N: Welcome back reader-chans! Here's an extra chapter for today, we hope you enjoy! WELCOME TO THE SHIT SHOW!

You wake up to someone shaking your shoulder gently. "Nnngggghhh..." Groaning you rub the sleep from your eyes, seeing your dad sitting on the edge of your bed. "Hey kiddo wake up and get ready, we have an important meeting to go to today." You stretch and eye him curiously. "What kinda meeting?" He sighs, standing up and walking out. "Just put something nice on and meet me downstairs in 15 minutes."

You get ready quickly and meet him in the car, putting your seat belt on and nibbling a piece of toast. "So where are we going all of a sudden?" Shota puts the car in drive, glancing over at you and wiping the crumbs from your blouse. "To the Todoroki residence actually." You cough, nearly spitting out the last bite of your toast. "W-what for???"

"You'll see when we get there."

You eye your dad curiously, crossing your arms over your chest and scowling.

-At the Todoroki house-

Staring up wide eyed at the giant mansion you nearly trip over your own two feet, your dad narrowly catching you with his arm. "Please Akemi pay attention, this is important and you can't make a fool of yourself." You give him a questioning look, "Ok...?" You both go up to the door and your dad knocks, a butler answering it. "Welcome Mr.Aizawa, Miss Aizawa." Your dad bows and you do as well, being led inside to a big living room. You sit on a couch next to your dad, growing slightly nervous. "The masters will be in shortly." The butler bows and walks out.

Pulling your dad close to you, you whisper in his ear, "What the heck is all of this about?" "Ssssh, you'll find out in a minute." Suddenly the door opens again and Endeavour steps in along with Shouto. You look at him wide eyed, but happy to see a familiar face in all of this confusion. He glances over at you giving you a small smile but looks just as confused as you are. You and your dad stand up and you all bow to eachother. "It's nice to see you again Eraserhead. As you know this is my son, Shouto." He nods. "This is Akemi, my daughter." You bow to him politely, sitting back down as they take their seats on the couch opposite you.

"I'd like to get down to business straight away." Endeavour says, pulling out a folder and a pen. You glance down at it, noticing yours and Shoutos names on it. "Here's the contract, it'll be effective immediately as soon as we all sign it." "What's this all about, father?" Shouto asks, a serious expression on his face.

Endeavour looks between him and you, a smile coming onto his features. "This my son is the beginning of your arranged marriage to miss Akemi Aizawa."

Your eyes go wide, the color draining from your face. You stare at your dad. "Is this a joke?" He shakes his head, giving you a serious look. "Listen Akemi, I think this will be good for you. Shouto is a kind kid and his family is well off. It's the best future I could think of for you." You stare at him with your mouth agape, not comprehending what was happening.

"B-but, I have a boyfriend..!"

"Bakugo isn't good for you, you'll have to break up with him as soon as we're done here."

You turn your shocked expression to Shouto, who's staring down at the paper with an unreadable expression. "Shouto, you can't possibly agree to this..."

"Honestly Akemi, I agree with your dad. Bakugo isn't good for you, and I've liked you for a long time." He looks up at you, his heterochromatic eyes meeting yours. "I can give you a good life, much better then anything Bakugo could."

"So let's get down to signing. You only have to sign here, Akemi." Endeavour says, signing his name and Shouto signing his, your dad after then handing you the pen and paper. You give your dad a pleading look, your emotions all over the place. "I don't even get a choice in the matter?? What if this isn't what I want!" "I thought after everything we've been through, you'd understand that I know what's best for you." Shota states giving you a disapproving look. You stare at the paper, your hand shaking. "Please Akemi, it would give me peace of mind knowing you'll be set for the rest of your life."

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