Ch. 17 Beach pt.1

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You wake up to the sun shining in your face, feeling a warm body tangled around yours. You blush furiously, remembering last nights events. Snuggling into Katsuki you hold him close, taking in his intoxicating scent. 'I wish I could wake up like this every morning...' "Nng.." Katsuki grumbles in his sleep, pulling you flush against him. You poke his cheek, needing to get up to pee.

"Katsuki, wake up, I can't get up with you holding me so tight..."

No response.


"OI WHAT THE FUCK DON'T CALL ME THAT SHITTY GIRL!" You giggle as Katsuki pushes you away harshly, grumbling and rolling over the opposite way. You get up, quickly throwing on Katsukis shirt and running to the restroom to refresh yourself. Glancing at yourself in the mirror your eyes go wide at the large hickeys Katsuki left all over your body. You poke at the one that's most noticeable on your collar bone. 'Crap, how am I gonna explain THIS to my dad...?' "GOOD MORNING CHILDREN- where's my dear Akemi??" You hear Katsukis door slam open, his mother bursting in. You sigh in relief, glad you were in the bathroom and not wrapped up naked with Katsuki like you were just minutes before.


You slowly open the bathroom door, peeking out at them during their screaming match. "Good morning, Mistuki-san." You smile at her. "Oh thank goodness, I thought Katsuki had frightened you away!!!" She takes you in a big hug, then glances down at your neck, an evil grin on her face. "Oooh so you took my advice on the note-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Katsuki screams shoving his mom out of the room. He sighs angrily and turns towards you. You put your hands behind your back and turn your head away, feeling your face burning. "Oi, look at me." Katsukis walks up to you, placing a hand under your chin and turning your face towards his.

"How are you.. eh... feeling?" He asks, unsure of what to say. You smile up at him and wrap your arms around his waist. "Really good, actually... I don't remember the last time I slept so good." He places a kiss ontop of your head pulling you close to him. "Same." You jump suddenly at your phone ringing, your dad's ringtone playing. You quickly answer.

"Good morning dad!"

"You sound awfully cheery this morning." He says bluntly and your eyes go wide in horror, 'he knows....'

"I'm leaving the hospital in an hour, have Bakugo drop you off at the house."

You pouted, happy that your dad was coming home but sad that you were having to leave Katsuki. "Alrighty, I'll see you soon!" *click*

"Time to take you home?" Katsuki asks, his tone nonchalant but you could tell there was a hint of displeasure behind it. "Yeah, I guess I better get ready... and we have school tomorrow." You puff your cheeks out in annoyance.

- at home-
You had just finished cleaning up the kitchen when your dad walks in. "Welcome home dad!" You shout, running up to him and taking him in a gentle hug. You feel him go rigid so you back away, giving him a confused look. You notice he's staring straight at your neck and your eyes go wide in realization.

"So you up and decide to just snog it out with your boyfriend while your poor old man was laying in the hospital on his death bed?" You grimace. "Dad it wasn't like that at all and you know it!" He sighs exasperatedly, pulling you into a real hug this time. "My little girl is growing up..." You raise an eyebrow, noticing moisture gathering in the corners of his eyes.

"Dad don't cry it's okay it didn't even hurt that bad like you said-"


-the next day at school-

"Due to our dealings with the league of villains lately, We're asking students to not travel far during summer break." Loud groans and protests could be heard from everyone in class as Shota explained the situation. "But in light of this, principal Nezu has put together a beach trip for anyone who'd like to come. It's this weekend and it'll be supervised by various teachers." Everyone perked up, happiness lighting up their faces.

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