Chapter two

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Jay's 'P.O.V':
Me,Cole and Zane was playing our new game.Lloyd was sitting on the couch and watching us because he said he isn't good in games and Nya was making popcorn.
"Go Cole you can do it!!!!!!"Lloyd said."Hey!!!What about me!!!" I shouted."Sorry Jay but it's seems that Cole is wining."he replied."YES!!!!!"Cole shouted because he wins the game."it's not fair!!" I said."Sorry bro but I'm always the best on all the games."he said." That's true."Zane said.then Nya came in with popcorns."So,Who win?"she asked."just like always Cole."Lloyd answered."congratulations Cole." "Thanks Nya"Cole said."Hhhmmmm...."Jay said that for getting Nya's attention."Don't worry I won't steel your girlfriend."Cole said before Nya could talk."Good"Jay said with a angry and confused face.We all hear the door opened and it was Garmadan with a paper on his hand."Hi dad.What's wrong?"Lloyd asked."well I got a letter from my old master Chen.and he wants to I go on his island for a competition. I just thought that you guys can come with me too and stop whatever he wants to do."Garmadan explained.

Cole's 'P.O.V':
When Garmadan said that we all look to each other."No problem dad!we can come with you and stop that guy!"Lloyd said."Yeah we will come and I think it's going to be fun!" I said. I look at the others and we all nodded at each other then Zane said "When are we going?" "Tomorrow morning we start because it's a long way and I think if we start in the morning,we're gonna make it at night."Garmadan said and go."I think we should change until tomorrow"I said."Okay,So... let's go."Nya said and we all go in to our rooms.
Cole's cloth:

Cole's cloth:

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Jay's cloth:

Zane's cloth:

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Zane's cloth:

Zane's cloth:

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Nya's cloth:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tomorrow~~~~~~~~~~Lloyd's 'P

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Lloyd's 'P.O.V':
My alarm start ringing. I get up and turn it off,when I look at it,It was 5:35 A.M. I go down and saw everyone are awake and they are ready to go."When did you guys wake up?"I asked."first good morning,second we wake up at 4:00 o'clock."Cole answered."Opps...sorry...good morning." "Are you ready?we have to go."Zane asked me."just give me a minute, I have to go to the bathroom." "Okay"he replied.

Kai's 'P.O.V':
Today is the day that I can show my father I can be evil too!! I went down stairs and saw my father."good morning dad" I said."good morning to you too son,ready to go?"he asked."I'm always ready!!"I think I just said it too loud because he was confused."Sorry just too exited..." I said as was steel exited"no problem" I went down and I was going but I feel something on my shoulder. I look back and see my dad's hand is on my shoulder.he get his face closer to my ear and slowly said"DON'T FORGET THE PLAN!GOT IT?!!"I scared when he said that to me because his voice was too bad like he was angry at something."y..yes d..da..a..d.."When I said it he let me go and I just ran to the ship and when I made it the ship started to go.That was a last time I saw my father..

I hope you guys like❤️

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