Chapter ninteen

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Kai's 'P.O.V':
I was sleeping and seeing a strange dream:
~~~~~~~~~{Kai's dream}~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everywhere was black,I can't see anything. I tried to walk but when I put my foot on the ground everything changes!
Sky comes blue,Suns comes out. There comes a lots of grass, flowers and trees!
'WoW,This is incredible!' I thought.

"Come on Mom!"
What!? Who said that?!? It was just like a little boy....
"Okay Kai,I'm coming!* softly laughs*"
Hey this is a woman! W-wait...Did she say K..Kai?
"Kai! Your mom has a baby! She can't run!
Let me play with you!"
Is it
I walked where the sounds was. I pushed the tree's leaves away and when I opened my eyes, I didn't believe What I was seeing!!
It was me and my mom and dad! I think I was four in there...I saw myself running throw my mom and looked up."Mom, What is my little sister name?"
I looked at my mom.She was thinking..."Hmmmm.... I don't know. What will you name her?"
I saw myself looking around and mostly the sea.
"Well,I wanna name her Nya." My kid self said.
"I like it!" My dad said.
We all looked at my mom to see what will she say?
"Nah... I don't like..."My said."Ohhh Come on!" I said but I think no one heard me.
"Because I love It!!!!!" She yelled and opened her arms.then myself and my dad hugged him. I was going closer to touch her but...

"KAI WAKE UP!!!!" I heard Morro yelled my name. I jumped out of my bed and fell down."Dude you okay?" "I was before you yelled into my ear!!"I shouted at him while standing up."Sorry but I think I called your for a thousand times but you didn't wake up and the only thing I saw from you were your tears..."
Tears!!??!! Oh Shit!!! "Ok now I'm awake!
What do you want?!" I asked.
"I have a good news~ The ninjas are here tomorrow~" after that he laughs evilly.."Excellent old friend~*Smirks evilly* but how?" I really have to know how!
"I will tell you tomorrow but right now I wanna sleep"After That he falls on my bed and fell in sleep." I think walking is not that much bad.." I whispered. I went to my closet and changed.
~~~~~{Kai's cloth}~~~~~~(photo)

When I was finished I went out side start walking

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When I was finished I went out side start walking. I didn't know where was I going, I just want to go.In my way I saw a park. 'Maybe  going their is not a bad idea' I thought then I walked to the park.
Try to find a empty bench but when I saw someone on one of the bench I couldn't believe it!
It was Cole!
He was looking at the lake. I tried to attack him but then I thought maybe I could do something else...
I slowly walked to him and tried to don't make any sounds but he was so smart and turn around. I didn't know what to do!!
Should I kill him now?!! No!! I will do something else!
He was going to turn around but I as  fast as I can pull myself to him.
"Ahhhh!!!!" He screams but I don't know for what? For pain or surprise?
After some rolling we stopped. when I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe what I was seeing!! My eyes were widened and my mouth was open!
I was lying on the ground and my hand were up and Cole's hands were on mine.Cole was on up of me and he was as surprised as I was."K..Kai,Is this...really you?!?" He asked and I slowly nodded.'Of course it's me!you boulder head!!' Though.I glared at him but he was still in shocked."Kai! Plz come back to us!! Please!! I begged you!!! Everyone needs you!! Your sister needs!! And-"I just really have to cut him off! "LIER!!!! NONE OF YOUR STUPID FRIENDS NEEDS ME!!! EVEN MY SISTER DOESN'T NEED me!!! AND THANKS FOR THAT SHIT OF LIGHTNING I AM STUCK IN THIS STUPID EVIL SIDE!!!! LET ME-"  I was screaming but I cut off by Cole." I need you..."he said in his calmly and softly voice. I didn't know what to say just shocked...
He comes closer...



Too much closer!!!
Then I feel his soft and warm lips on mine..It was like a dream. I really don't want to kiss him back but I can't! So I just let go and kiss him back. After a few minutes we let go for some air. My face was just like my Jacket color!
"W...Why did you do that?" I really need air but I need to asked it too...
"There is something I really need to tell you!"

"Kai. I love you." What!!!!?????He loves me!!!!!!!!!??????H..How?!? This is Impossible!!!!! I get up and ran!! I ran to home and forget everything about tonight!
If I can....

Cole's 'P.O.V':

I saw Kai ran. I tried to catch up with him but he was so fast! I decided to don't fallow him and walked to the tea shop.

You do once!

What do mean?!

I mean.. you actually after all of these times did it! You told him you are in love with him...



Do you think he loves me back?

Sorry,but I can't answer that question.

Okay...and Why?!?

Don't wanna say why..What are going to tell the others? I mean you actually See Kai sooner than the others.

I'm not going to talk about it.


Don't ask any questions again!
Is that okay for you?!

Yeah,Why not.....

~~~~~~{end of the conversation}~~~~~~

When I arrived  at the house. Everyone was shocked! But Why?
"Ohhh...Cole, where were you?!"Nya ask."at the park.Why is everyone shocked?" I asked for some one answered."Well first:you missed the dinner and the shock thing is here that you will not ever skipped dinner! And second You didn't answer your calls!!!" When I heard Jay scream. I got shocked for two reason!First is for my phone because my phone wasn't on silent and second...Why is Jay shouting? Because before I went out he was just like a shy boy!I take my phone out  and...HOLLY SHIT!!!! It was like 200 missed calls!!!!!!! "Opppsss....." I looked up and saw everybody are looking at each other..."Guys...I'm sorry. It's just my phone was on silent.. and I think I lost the time..."Lied."That's Okay Cole but never scared us like this again..Ok?" Zane asked."Ok..." I said."Well Guys we need to rest for tomorrow because tomorrow is a big day!" Lloyd cheer us.We looked at each other and nodded. We were going upstairs,into our rooms but someone grabbed my hand. I turned around and saw Nya. She worried and....scared.


I*Cole*: "Yeah?"

Nya: "Didn't you see my brother when you were out?"

I didn't know what to say! Well today I tell a lot of lie so this isn't a big deal...
"No... I didn't...Sorry Nya..." I lied.again!
"It's not your fault. Don't be sorry.." It's become a deadly silent. Thank goodness Nya break it! "Well...Good night." She said. Nya wave her hand and goes upstairs."Night!" I said. I waved my hand too then go upstairs and go into my room. Locked the door and fall in my bed.just thinking about one word...

                       'This is my fault'

I hope you guys like it♥️

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