Cahpter fifteen

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No one's 'P.O.V':

But someone grabbed him.Kai try to shout but that guy hand was on his mouth. Kai was trying but it wasn't enough that guy was too much stronger than was along time that Kai was in his hands. He(Kai) was losing himself. It was just like,He was turning back to his evil side. Garmadon told him if something wrong happens he's going to be evil again. That's it....Kai turns back to his evil side....but he wasn't showing it because he was waiting for a best chance to fight with that guy. The moon comes out and show the guy. I think everyone knows who is that guy....
Jay Walker.....

Jay's 'P.O.V':

'Sorry Kai but you get everything from me!

My girlfriend.

My best friend.

My teammates trust.

And I'm not letting these things with out answer!' I thought to myself. I put the knife out and I was going to put it on his chest but he stopped me.'WHAT!!! He was getting weak,wasn't he?!?!' I thought."hehe!!!!" I don't like this laughs!!!
"Sorry but I don't want to die today~" he holds my hand and shoot me."OUCH!!!" My leg....It hurts so much!!!. I tried to look up and see what is going on, but I wasn't believing what I am seeing! 'Ops...Cole is going to kill me for this...' I thought. I was seeing Kai..He turned back to Evil! Moon was living and only thing I was seeing was Kai's red eyes....those red eyes were coming closer."Please go away..!" He was silent and it was the scary part! I knew my leg was hurt but I don't want to see his eyes again. I tried so hard to stand up but it was bleeding more and more for my trying.At last I stand up and as fast as I can I run to my tent. I fall down in to my tent and put the the blanket on my head to see nothing.... I can hear his footsteps...coming closer!! Wait...why it stopped?!?!!!!!! "Sleep well Jay..Sleep well~"he said and leave. I take a deep breath and sleep. I wish, I won't see a nightmare....

Cole's 'P.O.V':

I wake up and go out of my tent. I saw everyone was awake."Good morning" I said.

" Good Morning Cole." Nya said with a smile.

"Morning!"Zane said.

"Good Morning Cole.Do you have a good night?"Lloyd asked me."Yeah...thanks." I replied.

"Good morning son."Garmadon said.

"Hey..."Jay said and not even looking at me..
I thought someone is missing but who?...oh Kai! Where is he? Everyone was packing up there things but Kai's tent was still there."Guys...Where is Kai?, Is he still sleeping?" I asked."Well I think because I said his name a thousand times but he didn't answer but maybe you can speak to him..."Nya said.after I go to asked Kai 'Why he is not coming out?' I decided to ask something to Nya. I walked to her."Hey Nya,Are you going to tell them?" Nya giggles."Don't be silly..I will but Kai has to be here too." "Okay." I giggle too and walked to Kai's tent. Meanwhile I was walking,I was watching Jay too. He was nervous but about what?! I'm wondering what did he do again? I called Kai's name."Kai! We are leaving you have to wake up!" Silent! What?!?!!! Let's try again."Kai!!! If it is a joke I don't like it!!" Silent,AGAIN!! 'Well I can't wait anymore sorry Kai but I have to do this!' I thought then I push his tent by my feet and it was nothing in that tent! Why here is empty? Well I know who exactly can answer this question! "JAY WALKER!!!!" I yelled. It was too loud because birds flew away! "What!!!?!!! I think the whole world knows my name now!!" I turned around. Why I can't kick his butt!!!! "What is wrong Cole,I've never seen you so mad like this?!" Lloyd asked.try to calm me down."Kai is not here and I'm sure Jay knows why!!!!" I stared at Jay with that stupid nervous face! "Wh...What!! I.... I do nothing!! Why sh...should I know where is he?!!!!" He was talking shakily and it's proved that he knows everything!"So..Why are you talking shakily?" Talk Jay.. I want to see what is your fuck reason..."Jay please tell us!or just tell me.."Nya told him."Huh! Tell you!! Why?!! I never talk to my old girlfriend!!!"Jay yelled at Nya."What do you mean....Did I do something wrong?" "Yeah!! You trade me!! I heard you and Kai last night!!! And don't tell me you don't know anything about it!!! And don't tell me you wasn't the guy who told him I love you!!!!" Jay yelled.'Ugh...Jay why you never wait until the end of the conversations.!' I thought."Jay! Are you sure you heard all the conversation!!??" I shouted."heh.. I heard the important thing so, Why should I wait until the end of the conversation?!" I don't talk and Let Nya talks because she can explain things better than me..."Jay...I don't love Kai as a boyfriend... I love Kai as my brother....because he is really my brother.That guy who just desperate for a long time ago..." "WHAT?!!!" Everyone yelled because none of them knew that Kai is Nya's brother."Oh oh...." Jay... I want to kill him!!!!!"What do you mean by 'Oh oh' ?"Zane asked."hehehe....well... I did something that made Kai to bring himself to his evil side..."he said shakily."EXCUSE ME!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!!" I yelled at him and ran to him but Lloyd and Zane stopped. I tried to get myself free from there hands but it seems they don't want me go."JAY WALKER IF I DON'T KILL YOU MY NAME IS NOT COLE!!!" I yelled at him."Stop it!!" Garmadon shouted at us and I calm down. Garmadon looks at Jay and told him"Jay I think you can tell us now,What happened?" Jay sighed.
"Well it started when...."

{after Jay finish the story}~~~~~~

'No..NO!!!! Why!!!!! Kai...I lost him again...Now I'm sure he is not going to forgive me...' I thought...

No one's 'P.O.V':

The ninjas were sad.No one talks, or even try to talk.


But Garmadon broke it"We have to go to the Ninjago City. Maybe Wu or Misako can help..."

Cole:"Master Garmadon...Can't you put a spell again?"

Garmadon:"Sorry My son but I can't..."

Nya:"So...we better go! We don't have to lose the time!" 

The ninjas nodded at Nya and flew with their dragons.Who knows what is happening to Kai?

Is he Okay?

Where is he?

Now the only thing that matters is Kai...

I hope you guys like it❤️


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