Chapter thirteen

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Cole's 'P.O.V':
It was Kai!!! But he was different...his eyebrows were red and other side of his eye was black,he had a black jacket and on his jacket there was a dark red flame and on that was written 'I love blood', his jeans were black and his T-shirt was a dark red and on that T-shirt was written' just keep calm and love KAI',his hair was black and more spiky, he had a black gloves.
He was smirking at us. I never liked that smirks!!"So Cole..Do you like my new look?~" I get mad..very mad!!"No!! I want my Kai!!!" "Your Kai is DEAD!! I'm a new Kai and if you have a problem with it,you have stopped loving me!~"no! NO!!! This isn't Kai I know !!! My Kai never talks like this!!"No! Kai I know you can hear me..please stop this!" I was begging him but it seems Whoever put that spell on him it is stronger than me!" are so durable when you BEG!!!!!"He was coming closer and a fire ball was on his hand. I knew he wouldn't hurt me because I was knew my Kai is still there. I didn't move but he was still walking closer to me.
Suddenly Lloyd comes and stops him with his energy power"AHHHHH!!!! My EYES!!!!"It was our best chance to surrender him. Zane comes with a big rope. He threw it down and tied ups Kai. Nya close his eyes with some pieces of cloth."LET ME GO!!! YOU FOOLISH NINJAS!!!" I can't believe it.. is this really Kai? "Sorry Kai but we have no choice..." I said and put one tissue on his mouth. He was trying to get away from that tissue but he was getting weak so he went to sleep. His body wasn't moving so we expect Nya raised him up and went to the place that Garmadan was there.

Jay's 'P.O.V':
We get Kai to Garmadan,Maybe he can helps us to find out what is wrong with Kai..those sentences Cole just said to me were still in my head.

LIE!!! You never want to even says Kai's name and now you telling me you are here for HELP!!!


just this??!!! Do you ever tried to meet him?!?!!

How dare he say those things to me?!

I was his best friend.

He left me for that little Evil brat!

Don't worry Kai I will take my revenge on you..soon...

I get out of my thoughts and shouted to Garmadan see we are coming"Master Garmadan we brought Kai for you!" Cole was staring at me with a angry face."What is it now?!!" I said."if you even try to touch Kai I will kill you!!GET IT?!?" I ignore him and look away.We saw Garmadan came."take this things off! What did you guys think he is?a animal?!" "Maybe..."I said but I wasn't looking at them."EXCUSE ME!?" It seems Cole was angry...very very angry and mad...but as everyone knows I never give up on this things"Garmadan asked 'Is he a animal?' And I answered 'Maybe' because he was acting like animals!" "Oh yeah..?" "Yeah!!" In my hands were a blue lighting and on his was a lots of rocks"Stop!!" Garmadan shouted at us.again we have to say sorry but to someone else"Sorry...." "Now take this things off!!" He was serious!"Yes master!" We all obey and went to take those things off but Cole stop me. He gets close to my ear and speak"I told you to don't even think about to touch him!" "Don't worry I won't touch him!" He goes.

{after a few hours}~~~~~

No one's 'P.O.V':
Garmadan comes and said he wants to talk to everyone. He goes where Kai was still sleeping. Jay doesn't want to come because he doesn't like to see Kai again but Garmadan wants to everyone comes so Jay has no choice.

Garmadan:I wanna put a spell on him to bring his real side back but it is for a short time and if he doesn't want to be Evil that strong spell will lost but if he wants to be evil my spell will gone.

Cole:What are we waiting for? Let's do this!

Lloyd:Cole think..if he doesn't want to be good,my father spell will lost!

Cole:I'm sure about what am I saying. Garmadan,Can you start?

Garmadan nodded and started to read the spell.

Cole's 'P.O.V':
Garmadan told us to go away and not watch because the spell will come in our side.We were waiting for minutes,then Garmadan comes out and said we can go to see Kai.

We go and saw Kai...

He was...

I hope you guys like it❤️

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