Chapter three

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Cole's 'P.O.V':
After a long time we made it. I think it was 9 or 10 o'clock and it seems that we are not late or coming too soon."YEAH!!!!!WE MADE IT!!!!!!"Jay yelled and jumped on the earth then sit down and kiss the earth.everyone was looking at us like we lost our brains! When Jay saw everyone are watching him stop kissing the earth and get up."hehehehe....I'm fine....and... I still have my brain..."Jay nervously said and came back to us. I was looking at Garmadan,who has a sad face. I was wondering why so I just asked him "Is everything ok Garmadan?" " I was thinking if Chen invited us maybe he could invite the 'Evil King' too!" 'When he said that I shocked.maybe he is right.maybe the 'Evil king' is here. I just hate 'Evil king' so much and who ever leave with him.but actually I never see his son because he never took him with himself. I hate 'Evil king' because he killed my mom when I was just thirteen years old and after that I promised to my self to hate whoever is with him!' I was lost in my thoughts but suddenly Jay shouted my name"COLE WE HAVE TO GO IN!!!!!" I shake my head and nodded at him. I was walking to Jay but someone catch my eyes.A boy with spiky brown hair,red and golden eyes.he was wearing a black jeans and a red T-shirt under his black jacket.on his jacket was a word 'K'. I was wondering: what is his name?
How old is he?
What is his element of power?
Many questions was in my head. I walked to my team."Garmadan...Do you know who's he?" I point to that boy.Garmadan shocked when he saw that boy."Dad Do you know him?"Lloyd asked."yes...yes I know who is he!" "Tell us who is he???"Zane asked."He is the son of the 'Evil king'...Kai Smith"we all shocked..' Wwwwwwwhhhhhaaaaattttttt!!!!!!!THAT BOY IS SON OF THE 'EVIL KING' I yelled at myself...
Kai's 'P.O.V':
When I made it there I saw a group are just watching me....Why are they crazy!!!?? I don't pay attention so I walked to the big golden door. I was in my way but I heard someone said"please someone help!" I look back and saw a boy with a black hair is on his knees and trying to not cry. I thought I can help that guy so run to him. I sat on my knees to look better and see what was wrong."Are you ok??" "NNNOOO....!!!!!!!MY HAND HURTS SO MUCH!!!!!AAAAHHHHH.....!!!!!" "Calm down....Let me see it...."he showed his hand to me.OMG it was a deep cut!!!! I never see something like this in my life!!!!What should I do!!!! I was looking at boy who was still trying to not cry but I don't know why?? Is he think everyone gonna talk about this??....suddenly in my thoughts I remember the I was reading. It was about how make pains better and one of this pages was about deep cuts.when I remember that I used that spell to makes it better.when I was using the spell on his hand he was shocked." I don't know why am I doing this but I promise after this I will KILL you!GOT IT!?!"after I said that he nodded.
~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After a few minutes his hand come to normal.he put his hand up to see better. When he sees his hand is back to normal he shocked."Th...thanks"he said."no prob...."we were still sitting on our knees."So.....tell me...How did this happened?"

I hope you guys like it ❤️

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