Chapter twenty one

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Chapter twenty one:

Jay's 'P.O.V':

Yea we arrived home. Everyone get off of their dragons and headed to home.
When Lloyd opened door no one was in house! "Ok what the fuck just happened here that is so quiet!???"
I said and turned around and see Kai sitting on couch and pouting his head into his hands. 'What a great actor..' I thought.
I was thinking maybe I can talk to him so I walk over him and sit next to him.
"Soooo how are you feeling?" I wanna throw up!!!
"Huh..Oh Jay..." he said then look at me like oh this boy again..
"I'm...I'm just dad never leaves me alone...he wants I be just like him...but I'm not!!! He did a lots of worse things when I was kid just to I be evil.."
He said and his tears comes down...I think he really needs help, so I just put my hand on his shoulder and asked him" like what..?"
He just sob a little and deep breath. " really want to hear it?.."
When he asked I got what could it be that he asks it?
"Umm...yeah sure..."
I was shaking...I swear if he do something I kill him except his dad!!!
"Come I can't say it here..." he said.
"Is it that much bad?" I asked then he looked at me and said " no..but I have to show you something that I should show Cole first but...I'm gonna show you first maybe you can help me..."
He sighed then walked to a room ,I followed him and he locked the door...
he took off his pants and underwear then show me his member...WHAT IN ACTUAL FUCK!?!?!?! WHY IS H-...then I saw something...when a kid get fuck in young age a little sign will appear on their member...oh god...
"H-he Just..." I cut him off "do that to u in young age..."
He nodded.I was going to ask him something but Cole knock "JAY IS KAI THERE??!?"
Kai wear his pants and wipe his tears away..."sure boulder head!"
I sighed...maybe..I wasn't so nice to him..
Kai opened door and Cole hug him tight.
"What were you two doing here??"
"Nothing I was just telling him something about Nya! Right Jay" Kai and Cole looked at me then I just agreed...
They went out and I was still in shock...what kind of monster I am?...

Cole's 'P.O.V':

Hmmm I'm still in shock why evil king wasn't in castle...I mean he was always there and when someone makes a move he finds out first...what if Kai
I looked at Kai and he was smiling! So nahhhhh pffff Just my stupid thoughts!!

You really think that is stupid thought?

Well yea just look at Kai!

Don't know people as their outside.. mean..

I mean nothing

-_- thanks

Your welcome!

~~~~~~~~{end of conversation}~~~~~~~

Kai's 'P.O.V':

I don't know how I'm feeling right now...evil...good?...I sighed and went to bathroom.."Cole I'm going to wash my face!" "Okay! I'm with guys!" Cole walked down stairs.. I locked the door and look at myself in the mirror...I just- I..I-....

I smirked ~ "I'm feeling fantastic!!" My eyes were all red, with large sharp teeth and a evil smile.

"Don't worry Cole~....I'm fine~"

YO IM NOT DEAD XD just school stuff and a little busy with my instagram stuff like I'm writing another story on there tooooooo!!!! So go follow me on Instagram:
And enjoy my story there too it calls "Phoenix"
And if u follow me plz don't unfollow it's annoying >~<
remember to comment and click on that little star love u all
Also it's 998 omg I need to write more 😭😂

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