Chapter eleven

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Cole's 'P.O.V':
I kissed him... he was shocked and not moving.but he kissed me back. I don't know but I think this kiss is so much different than our first kiss. I can feel love in it...we end up the kiss. My face was red just like tomato but for he was pink. He tried to speak"Col...Cole why d...did you do th...that?" "Because-" "he cuts me off"Don't tell because You want me to become good..." "No...Because.. I..." I was scared to say it." You What?!!" "I...I LOVE YOU!!!" I closed my eyes because I didn't want to see his face. I feel his hand on my cheek then he said"Cole open your eyes.." I slowly opened my eyes. Our face was was so close to each other"Rocky...I love you too!!"We smirk together but my teammates didn't want it"ROCKY!!!" They yelled at us. Kai was afraid because Jay was staring at him with a angry face...Kai afraid of Jay because he punched and kicked him like he was going to die...I looked at Jay and said"Jay stop staring him like that!!!!" I yelled at Jay. He didn't understand why am I doing this but I'm sure he was waiting for a answer"Why are you with him? I'm sure you don't love him because he put a spell on you or maybe you are waiting for a chance to break his feelings!!!" What did he just said!!?!!!! This is a big lie!! I never do such a thing like that to Kai!!!"Kai comes out from my back and stand in front of me. He was sad. I can feel his tears were going to fall."Cole...Is that true?" "'s-"I cut off by Jay!!again!!!"it's true Kai!! He was just using you to find away we could defeat you and your Dad!!!" He looks at me...his tears were falling down..." ARE A MONSTER!!! YOU USE MY FEELINGS TO DEFEAT MY DAD!!!!!!" " isn't true I love you..." "Yeah I see how much you love me!!!" He said then he ran away."Kai!!!!" Someone holds my hand and stopped me.. I turned around and saw it was Lloyd"Cole let him go you were know..a good guy can't be with a evil guy..." "bu....but..." "No Cole!! Let that little brat go!!!" I heard said. I was so angry at him"you better to shut up!!! It's just for you Kai ran away and now he thinks I don't love him!!!" I was going punch Jay but Nya stopped me..!"You two stop it!!! You guys are acting like fulls!!!" " Sorry Nya..." we both talked..

Kai's 'P.O.V':
I was running and crying!! My father was right.. I can't feel love!!! NEVER!!! I fall on my hands on my face and crying so much...'Why Cole!!!??? WHY????!!!! That second kiss makes me feel love!! But you and your teammates destroy it!!!!! I hate y-...wait a sec I can't say that.. I really love him from all of my heart...but he doesn't love me!!!' My thoughts was over when I heard someone footsteps....I was scared!! Who could that be?? "Who ever you are show yourself!!" I shouted but then I saw some lights..A red lights!!.........My father!! Maybe he has a massage for me!! I saw my dad"D...Dad is that you?" "Yes" "What are you doing here" "to show some lessons" what was he talking about? Lessons!!?!! What kind of lesson?! "Son! This lesson is bout REVENGE!!" "What!! Revenge?! But from who??!" "From those foolish ninjas!! Who just tried to broke your feelings!!" "Dad I..." I can't say the words..." I can't.." I look down "I know it!" I look up and saw him. It looks like he is angry but that angry face gone. He started to smirk." What do want" He didn't answer just smirk. I saw a black energy on his hands. I can since What is he going to do to me..."Dad..Please.. don't do it I beg you!!!" "Sorry son it's too late! Hahahaha"I hate his evil laughs. Because when he laugh like this,it's mean something horrible is going to happen!!
He put the energy up and shoot on me!!!
"NNNNNOOOO!!!!!!!" My eyes can't see anything except black..My body... I can't feel them...I fall down and only thing I remember is my father attack me...

Cole if I do something wrong,please stop me.

I don't want to hurt you...

I love you Cole...

I hope you guys like it ❤️

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