Chapter five

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{Tomorrow morning}~~~~~~~
No one's 'P.O.V':
The sun comes out.sunrise was so beautiful.
Kai's 'P.O.V':
My alarm starts ringing. I as fast as I can turn it off.get up and turn around to see Cole.he was sleeping like an angel.who I'm kidding,he is so durable.we just met each other for one day but it was just like one year. I hear something.he was getting up.he yawns it was amazing.he gets up"hello rocky~" "hhhhaaaaaayyyyy(yawning)........hey.......wait!!What did you call me?!?" "I call you rocky do you have a problem with it~!?" "No..Flame~"we both laugh together. I open my eyes see again he is blushing."you know what?!" "What???" "When you blush your the cutest guy in the world~" "I'm not CUTE!!!!!" "Hehehe...okay rocky.."we get up. I walked to the door but Cole stop me."Why?" "Why..what??!!!!" "Why everyone thinks you are evil?you are not evil,you have a strong and beautiful heart,an-"I cut his sentence" I'm not evil!!!!" I get mad and sad because I really love to be evil"Why did you get mad?!" "IN ALL OF MY LIFE I TRY TO BE EVIL AND NOW ONE OF MY BIGGEST ENEMIES IS TELLING ME I'M NOT EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at him ran out the was awful...if my dad knew this he will going to kill me....I stop and see everyone are here and waiting for Clouse to come and start the first competition.

Cole's 'P.O.V':
He yelled at me and ran heart was broken.why even I asked him??!!your so stupid Cole,so much!!! I was going to cry but I controlled myself and went out. I saw my teammates coming closer to me"Did you sleep well?" Nya asked me"Yeah..."we went where everybody was there waiting for Clouse."Hey guys..there is Kai should we do something?!"Jay said as he was pointing at him(Kai)."NO!!!!...."everyone shocked at me "Why!?"Lloyd asked "ummm...because...umm..." I wasn't know what to say.but Garmadan helps me "because we have to see what is his plan."we nodded and see Clouse come"hello for our first competition you have to fight with your roommate.good luck!!!"I'm wondering how Chen looks like?...."Okay first..master of shadow and speed!"Clouse was saying who have to fight with who. I was thinking about Kai I really messed up.but I said that for real he isn't evil. I think he is doing this just for his father."next fight is for master of earth and fire!"Whatttt!!!he is master of FIRE!!!!!but no one told me about his element of power!!!!!!!"Go on dude you can do it!!!"Jay said and put his hand on my shoulder."t..thanks" I frightened said and went down stairs to go where we have to fight...the door open"let's begin the fight!!!!" Clouse said and I walked in. I saw he was wearing his gig like me but for him was so Hot~...What am I saying!!!Cole you have to fight!!just fight!!!! I saw Kai came closer and....

I hope you guys like it❤️

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