Chapter fourteen

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Get ready for 1070 words😘

Cole's 'P.O.V':

He was sleeping,his clothes were still those black and red and....
We walked to him. I sit next to him and hold his was still warm. I look at his face,tears Were falling down on my face." Kai...Please come back to your normal side....please..."He didn't replied. After a few minutes Lloyd told us to go and Live him alone...When we all go out I decided to walk. I was walking and thinking about Kai.'Is he gonna come back to normal?' I thought to myself.

Why are you so worried about him?


It's me..

Oh...sorry,what did you say?

I asked,Why are you so worried about him?

I don't know... why?

Because it seems someone fell in love with the Evil king son~

(Cole blushes)

WOW!!Cole you are blushing!! It's mean I was right!

No!!! I'm not in Love with him, he is just a friend!!!

So..Why did you blush when I said you love him?

I..WELL it's none of your business!!

Okay love a boy~

I don't love that boy!!!

Okay as you're saying~

{end of the conversation}~~~~~~~~

I heard someone say my name."Cole!!"guess was Jay!"What do you want?" "He wakes up!" I ran to where Kai was. He was sitting and Garmadon was next to him." Kai!!!" I ran to him and hugged him so tight like I didn't seen him for a long time."Co...Cole.. I can't br....breath.." "ohhh....Sorry.." I Let go. He stands up and hugged me again. I hugged him back." Kai I was worried about you..Don't ever leave me alone like this,Okay?" "W...Why do you" I push him away but my hands were still on his shoulder. He was looking at me with his red face and widened eyes."Because I don't want to see you hurt by that foolish guy." I was so serious because it's not fair! Evil king is so strong and in anytime he can destroy Kai."Cole...thank you!!!" He hugs me. He is so warm,his spiky hair was next to my face,it was soft.Please this moment don't end! But it happened..He push himself away and said"but Cole he puts a spell on anytime I could be in his command.." we look at each other. It was silent. I hate this silent because it's mean something bad will happen! 'Please,someone say something good! Please!' I thought. Of course I want to everyone talk but not Jay! If he talks I'll promise he will not se tomorrow!

Genius! Remember what Garmadon said!!

What did he say?

Ugh...He said if you try to make him good the spell will lost!!!

Your right!!

I'm always right. Now tell them!!!!

{end of the conversation}~~~~~~

"Guys I know what will broke that spell!" Everyone was looking at me."What is it?" Zane asked."Well as Garmadon said if we try to make Kai good the spell will lost!" "Your correct!!! But Kai it means you have to become good,is it okay?" Nya said then look at Kai."uhhh... I guess I have no choice!" Kai was sad but I'm sure when he became good he will be better!"Ohhh! Maybe when you come good,you can be in our team!"Lloyd said.Lloyd was prefect, in these moments, Lloyd was trying to cheer me up and he didn't give up!"I don't know...Let see what will happen." Kai Smile a little."We should sleep tomorrow is a big day." Garmadon said. We nodded and walked away. I found a best place for sleep. I use my earth power and make something like tent. I turned around and see Kai. He was sad,I want to know why. I walked throw him but Nya goes first. I don't want to they see me so I hide behind a tree and listening to them.

Kai's 'P.O.V':

I was thinking about that I think her name was Nya. I can sense something when I'm around her. 'Is she my lost sister?' I thought. I have to asked her if I don't,I will die!
Suddenly I heard a voice."Why are you sitting here?" It was her! Now I can asked her! I stand up in front of her. "I'm sorry but Can I asked you something? Nya right?" "Right...and yes, you can ask." "Well Nya I think...No Let me say this! Is your last name 'Smith'?" Please say 'yes'!Please say 'yes'! "Yeah..Why?" Yes!!!! "Well my last name is 'Smith' too. And I think you are my lost sister." She was shocked. I can see tears too."You're not lying ! Do you?" She still doesn't believe me..well that's okay for me because if I was her, I was asking this too."no,Why would I lie to my own sister!" She hugged me. I hugged him back and cry. I can feel her tears on my shoulder." Kai, I love you!" I was waiting for that."Me tooNya! and I promise, I always protect you no matter what happens to me!" I have to make a promise to compensate all this years.

Jay's 'P.O.V':

"Kai, I love you!" "Me too Nya-"
'I can't stand it anymore!! First he stool my best friend and now he stool my girlfriend!!!! I try to be a friend with him but now I think he doesn't want to!!!!! I will kill him!!! If I don't kill him,my name is not Jay!!'
When I said this things I ran to my tent.

Nya's 'P.O.V':

I kissed his cheek and said good night. I was walking to my tent but Cole stop me." I wish he was my brother.." What!!? How does he know!!!???"How do you know?!" "Well I was-"I cut off" you were spying." I told him With a serious face."hehe...sorry.." I Don't want to bother him so I keep it short."it's okay.. I decide to tell everyone but tomorrow!" "Alright...well..good night.." " night" I replied and walked to my tent.

No one's 'P.O.V':

Kai was was walking to his tent. He doesn't want to wake anyone so he walked faster. He was almost to his tent but........

I hope you guys like it❤️
Sorry for late💋

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