Chapter seven

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Cole's 'P.O.V':

It was Kai!!! I was so happy but it seems he wasn't happy.his body was shaking."Ka..Kai wh..What hap...happened?" He falls down."KAI!!!!!"I ran to him,take his head on my knee. I saw something..something red!!! I off his gi then I saw his body has a deep cuts!!! He was bleeding!!! I watched closer his hair was too spiky!!"KAI!!KAI CAN YOU HEAR ME?!!PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!" I was terrified for once in my life I started tears was falling."Kai wake up...." "Co..Cole..." "Kai you wake up!!" "Cole you are crying...hehe" "Yeah..."I know now I don't have to asked him but"Kai What happened?" "I'm dying and you are telling me what happened!!!??"Yeah he was right.."Sorry...get up..."

{time skip}~~~~~~

I make Kai better and I thought it's a best time to asked him"So Kai now can you tell me what happened?" "I can but why do you want to know?" "Oh come on!you are the second guy who makes me cry!!so it means it is important for me" "and Who was the first guy?" I didn't want answered that question but for making him a good guy I have to answer" mother...when she's gone I was crying for one month..." "I'm so sorry I-" "it's okay but tell me what happened to you?" I can guess he was embarrassed..

Kai's 'P.O.V':

I was embarrassed should I tell him..well for one reason I can because he save me two times!!!"Let me started when I walked out from room,Just for one or two minutes I was walking but I get tired and walked to our room. I was walking to our room but someone stopped me.your friend,I think his name is Jay..he told me to get away from you but I didn't know what was he talking about...he punched me and not letting me go.. I begged so many times but he was so angry..he said one thing that I can't let it go out of my head...he told me to go away from my best friend..then he leaves me and walked to his room..."
That was it.But when I said it to Cole his face becomes red.first I thought he was blushing but few seconds later I saw that was for his anger!!!"Cole....your face.....your face is red..." "I KNOW!!!"he was too angry!!"Did I told you something to get you mad?" "NO!!!!BUT JAY DID!!!" He walks out with a lot of anger..."Hey where are you going?!?!" "GOING TO VISIT AN OLD FRIEND!!!" 'What was he going to do????....if he wants to hurt someone,he better to know hurting people is my job!!!' I think to myself. He walks to a door and open it he goes into the room and.....

I hope you guys like it ❤️Sorry this part is a little shorter than the other parts but I promise next part is longer❤️

Hi.just come to say this my first story so if it is bad please forgive me and I'll promise my next stories will be better💋

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