Chapter twenty three

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Kai's 'P.O.V':
I just hugged back i didn't know what was going on! But...I felt good..."(giggle)" I saw Kaiyle giggling at us. I showed him middle finger and I'm sure he understand what I meant!!! He let go of me and I looked at him.
"Son...I'm sorry for using you in my deserve better! Now that I'm dying..I'm sure your sister can take care of you and you make your own destiny! I'm so proud of you Kai...(make spell gone)"
I blinked....
What happened...ugh my head...I looked around I saw I'm with Kaiyle and my dad..."I were evil again...?"
"Yes...but you won't be anymore.." he smiled. I was remembering...Wait NO NO NO!!!! "DAD!?!? YOUR...YOUR..." I was scared...I may don't like him a lot but he still my father!!!!! I saw him fading...I tried to hold him but Kaiyle hold me from back and stopped me. "Kaiyle no!!!!" "You will fad too if you touch him!!!" I was in tears..."dad..." I saw him smiling."goodbye my son...I love you " he fade...
He' no...
It was like nightmare, a nightmare I always fear of it..
"I love you" I cried hard and hug Kaiyle.
Kaiyle usually don't like hugs but he hugged me back. "Bro...I'm sorry.. I feel ya.." I nodded.
"We should get out of here! My dad gone so everything in here will be gone!!!!" I run to ninjas and Kaiyle throw purple fire to wall and break it.
I untied the ninjas and Cole looked at me.
"Cole...I know if you don't love me anymore...but my dad gone and his powers gone..I'm not evil anymore but I feel if you don't trust me an-" he cute off with a kiss.
Gosh his lips were warm and soft. FUCK YOU WHY YOUR SO COMPLETE!???
I kissed him back and hold him.
"Silly of course I love you forever " I smiled. Sparkles were in my eyes.
"I love you too!" We were flirting until-
"Ok lovebirds CAN YOU TWO KISS OUT OF HERE!?!?"
Everyone death glare at Jay. But yeah he were right we should go out castle was getting destroyed!
We all ran to broke wall that Kaiyle Made but I was surprised where Kaiyle was..
Well later we will see.
I jumped out with others.
Everything was getting destroyed so as soon as we could we made our dragons actually I jump on Cole dragon.
Cole hold me from back and I couldn't help but blush.
God he is good!!!! I hold his hands and we keep teasing each other.

~~~~~{time skip: ninjas at bounty}~~~~~

Kai's 'P.O.V':
Wu suggested to we celebrate we all are together again and I wasn't mad. Yeah my dad died but they can't get theirselves sad for me!
I walked out and went to edge of bounty.
"Why your out here?"
I looked back and saw Kaiyle.
"Kaiyle!!! I thought you left me!!"
"Silly I left a idiot like you? Nah!" I giggled and hugged him."thanks for saving me and my family!" I said. He chuckled."ok ookkk but calm Down I can't see Lloyd and Lloyd can't see me!" He said. I really don't Know why he hated Lloyd so much..
"You hate him that much" I asked but it was silence for seconds I kinda got scared.
"Yes I do-" "Kaiyle...." we turn around and saw Lloyd. They both was looking at each other and I didn't feel well In this.
"Lloyd..." he broke silent.
"What are you doing here..?" Lloyd asked
"I don't think it's none of your fucking business"
I was scared this turn out to fight..

Kaiyle's 'P.O.V':

I hate him..I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM!!! Ugh why he still alive???
I deserved that life!!!! He took it away from me..he took my mom...
I hold my necklace to feel a little calm but I couldn't!!
Since I born Garmadan only loved him
I did Everything to look best to him but he only cared about Lloyd!!!
My mom died and he didn't give a fuck to it!!! I was in streets while he was in best places and had everything He wanted!!!
I wanted revenge but wait not like this so soon~
Let's play like the way they want~
I saw ninjas comes out.
"Who's That?"
"Is He ur friend?"
"What's his name!?"
And start questioning and I'm surprised He didn't tell about me!
"I'm didn't tell them?"
Lloyd looked down but then looked at ninjas.
"Guys my brother Kaiyle..."
Everyone eyes went wide and I saw Wu and Garmadan and misako comes out.
"Kaiyle is th-" I cut off Garmadon. "Yes it's me!!! For example your son!!! What??? I changed a lot???"
I was so mad like I could just grab their neck and kill them!! My hate for them is a lot!
I saw misako comes closer.
"Wow...Kaiyle..I only remember you were a little kid without..these scars on your face..."
She was so shocked. Yeah all fake.
"Don't act like you don't even know how these scars appear!"

No one's 'P.O.V':

It was nice sunny day.There was a big house. Little family in it.
But were they happy?
Garmadan was shouting at his second wife...Maryam...
Maryam was holding her son in her arms.
"Don't call my son!!!! (Crying)" Maryam yelled at Garmadan.
Garmadan was mad,he walk to Maryam and slapped her hard.
Garmadan looked at Kaiyle "you little brat AGHHHHHHHHH!!!" Garmadan cut Kaiyle face with knife.
Kaiyle didn't say anything,he fall on his stomach.he was too shocked.
Kaiyle saw blood running from his face. Then he looked up at Garmadan.
"I kill you two I promise!!!" Garmadan said and make fire on his hands. "Bye bye~"
Garmadan throw fire in house and Garmadan disappeared.
Kaiyle was scared. You could see fear..madness...revenge in his eyes.
He looked at his mom. He ran to his mom and tried to wake her up. Kaiyle was keep screaming mom! Mom! Mom!
But his mom didn't wake up...until-
"Kaiyle...(cough)...go...(cough)" Maryam point at only way out. Kaiyle got into tears. He loves his mom more than he loves himself!!
"N-no...NO PLEASE MOM!!! COME WITH ME!!(crying)" Kaiyle yelled.
Maryam take her necklace and put it in Kaiyle's hand. "T-this the way..(cough) you can contact to me...(cough)...never take it off always put it on...(cough) will be brave...and never give up..(cough) now go!!!" She said with her last breathes.
Kaiyle was crying. Crying blood..."I-i can't leave you here!!!!" He said. Her mom use last power she had and teleport Kaiyle out of house.
BOOM!!! House blow up with fire!!!
Kaiyle was looking at fire..then looked back at necklace. He wear necklace.
His blond hair turned brown.
His blue eyes turn bloody red.
He stranded up and looked at every scar on his body.
He was only 6 but he changed to 20 years old killer.
"I'm my own boss" he said and gone in fire.
~~~~~~~~~{end of flashback}~~~~~~~~~
Kaiyle glared at them. But in him there was biggest evilly smirk ever.

My game is starting ~

I have reasons why I didn't write new chapters
And important one is...we lost Cameron Boyce...I loved him so much and I'm still crying for it I just can't believe it even not right now....
Well I'm wearing black for him
Rip Cameron Boyce...
So yeah hope you enjoy and more action and drama and mystery will come so get  ready!!!
Comment,vote,click that star and enjoy reading!!! WOW LMAO 1396 OMG OMG LMAO I WROTE IT IN FIVE MINUTES WOW XD
@kai_ninago2004 !!!
Love you all♥
Words: 1396

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