Chapter six

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Kai's 'P.O.V':
I was getting closer to him bout to attack him.he was afraid I can see it in his face."Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!" I made a fire ball and throw it to him.he escaped from that and from all of my attacks but realized he was attacking me or just try to."You can't escape for all of your life!!!" I yelled at him"No I can't....but I can change your mind..." "NEVER!!!!"I was going to use my sword but he stopped me with his earth power"AHhhhh...."it hurts!!!!!my stomach was bleeding. I try to stand up but I was too weak.He run to see my stomach"A..are you Okay???!?!?"he said terrified.

Cole's 'P.O.V':
I was so terrified bout what I done to him... I didn't mean to hurt him, I was trying to show him I can attack too..!!"NNNOOOO!!!!!MY STOMACH HURTS SO MUCH!!!!!!!"he was still bleeding I tried to help him but..."What are you DOING?!?!?!!!finish him for once!!!" I heard Jay shouted. I was confused...shocked...scared....What should I do now!!!suddenly I did something that I wasn't know I can do this to guy I promise to hate him"no I will help him..!"everyone was shocked.there eyes were winded."come on..."I put his hand on my shoulder and help him to walk."wh...why are doing...thi...this?" "I told you... I will do everything to change your mind..." " k...know it's not wo....working...." "I still can try.."I smiled at him then we get out to our room.all of my friends were disappointed at me." We have to continue the fight..."Clouse said.we walked in our room. I put Kai on the bed"sit here until I find a bandage,Okay?" "O...Okay..." at last I found the bandage I walked to Kai.he coughing blood and his stomach was bleeding!! I ran to him"WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU?!!!!! I'M A MONSTER!!!" "'s okay I'" I look up and see he is smiling at me.hi was amazing....Cole get it together man he is bleeding and your talking about his smile!!! I was putting the bandage on his stomach.
{time skip}~~~~
"Are you ok?" "Yeah...thanks.." I was sitting on my knees and Kai was sitting on the bed.we were looking at each other like we don't want this moment ends but my friends destroyed it!"What are you doing helping a enemy?!!!?"Jay yelled at me then he looked at Kai"Now I can finish YOU!!!"He try to shock him but Lloyd stop him"Jay wait!!!!just think about it!!!why Cole is still alive!!!because he didn't even TRY to kill him!!!"Jay look down for what Lloyd told him"Sorry... I-" "Say Sorry to Kai not Lloyd!" I told Jay.
Jay's 'P.O.V':
I look down and get closer to Kai" I'm sorry Kai it's just I- I mean we hate your father so we th-"he cut off"well thanks for not shocked me but I still want to be evil just like my father so I think you and your friends have to hate me"he walked out. I look at Nya.she was still watching him"Nya..Why are you still looking at him?!" I asked" reason..."Nya said."we have to get in our rooms tomorrow we have a long day."Garmadan said then walked out and everyone goes out with him.

{time skip}~~~~~~

Cole's 'P.O.V':
It was for few hours that Kai didn't came back... I'm so worried about him...Where could he be?....I get up out of my bed and decide to go and watch for Kai. I was going to wear my gi but I heard a sound from the open and it was.....

I hope you guys like it❤️

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