Chapter:Twenty two

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Kai's 'P.O.V':

Yea I'm losing my mind..I'm keep changing to good and bad...I'm scared I lose control and I do something mom said..being shame only cause sadness ...UGHHHHH!!! I hold my head and keep dang my head to wall.
GET OUT!!!!!!!! But eyes become red...I smirk..
"KAI EVERYTHING OKAY!?!" Cole yelled from down stairs. I smirked but try to act normal."Sure my boulder head~ I just thought I saw something!~" I answered him and before he could ask any questions I ran down stairs.
"See I'm totally ok!"
"Yeah heh I was worried for nothing " Cole said while smiling. I tried to act normal but-
That old man..Wu..he was keep staring at i doing it wrong? Am I missing something?
Nah he is just...staring...
"Well! Cole I'm sooo hungry! Let's go eat!"
I tried hard to change subject. "Oh my god yes sorry!! Come!" He giggled. To be honest he is cute! WHAT THE HECK KAI!!! NO CUTE NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Deep breath now just be normal!
I walked thro kitchen and sit. Zane served dinner,I smiled at him and start eating. I rather didn't look up cause I didn't know what would happen..maybe again Jay do something stupid or Wu or Garmadan finds out something wrong with me! I just eat until it ends..I put my dishes on sink and walk out.
I need to take Cole and ninjas with me that father so he proud of me. Wait what if another better friend can help...yeah he is best..maybe he can help me!!! Right now I just need to do something with Cole then taking ninjas would be easy!

Cole's 'P.O.V':

I saw Kai goes out. After bathroom he was a little strange..maybe he is just tired it was a tiring day too tho.
I decided to follow him, I opened the door and saw him standing outside and looking at forest. What is he doing...
"Hey hothead!" I love calling him that!!
He jump like he was surprised he see me. He hold his heart and gasp." Awweee Sorry hothead did I bother ya?~" fuck you cole you flirt like that!!!
He smirk and said."no~ actually I was waiting for ya~" he smirk and say it while he was walking towards me. He played with my shirt and if I wanna be honest I freaking love this!! "Oh really ~ well what you wanted from me~"
He look at my eyes. Gosh his eyes..hazel golden red eyes..they were like fire that I just wanna burn in it!
"I missed having fun~"
My heart stopped beating!!
WHAT!?!! WHAT!!!! DID I JUST HEAR RIGHT!?!?!? KAI SMITH!!?!? MISSED HAVING FUN!?!?!? My mind just blow up!!!
I couldn't handle my blush! I blush more than Kai red color!!!!
"I-...I...w-Well...I...y-you...heheh..." I was completely speechless!
"Don't worry ~ I will get easy for ya~" he whispered in my ear and walked in home. I was almost to faint from happiness! I don't know! Happy!? Stress!?? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I ran in house as fast as I ever run and close the room door! He was naked...I nosebleed...
"Boulder head~ ready~?" God why is he so fucking hot sexy cute adorable??!?
Suddenly someone knocked. Kai looked terrified, I mean yeah he has to look terrified but this was more than normal ones.
I opened the door but not a lot just little.
Then I saw Jay pushed me in and I fall back. He was super angry. He walked in and yelled." YOU LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING!!! YOUR STILL UNDER EVIL KING SPELL!!!"
What..!?!? WHAT!?!? HE IS!?!?
"KAI IS IT TRUE!?!?" I stood up and glared at him. How..??! Why!?.. I can't believe was unbelievable!!
He stood up and smirk. "Sleep well ~"
After what he said I felt something hit my head.
All I saw was black and nothing more..

Kaiyle's 'P.O.V':

I was Kai friend since I remember like forever! I'm Kaiyle Garmadan! Second son of Garmadan yeah Lloyd little brother ew.
But yeah Garmadan just married someone else and that was my mom then I got born.
I'm not like Lloyd with blond hair and green eyes and ugh ewwww with Sm love! Ewwwww
I'm evil cuz my power is evil too. My power is everything about darkness and also I'm oni demon like a oni who is also demon!
My mom got killed,I don't know how but all I have from her is her necklace. I never take it off cuz it's so especial to me.
Anyway my hair is spooky kinda like Kai and it's brown. I have completely bloody red eyes and I have two scars under my eye and one other scar on my cheek.
I usually wear black and dark red.
So anyway now you all got how I look!

I was walking in streets and listening to music. My phone rang and I answered.
"Hello?.........yeah?........ oh I got it!.....Wait when!?....I be there!" I hang up call and smirk.
It's been long time I didn't have fun~
I walked thro the place Kai told me....Wait ITS NINJA HOUSE!!!! Oh no no come on I can't get close to them!!!
Ugh fuck You Kai!!!!
I walk to house but I saw two boys. I hide so they don't see me. I watched them.they were Kai and umm Cole I guess?
What is he doing?? Kissing him!?! Ugh I hate love...oh they went in!!
I used this time and run into shadows.
I looked thro window and saw all ninjas.
I saw Lloyd too...that brat... Kaiyle focus!!! Your here for Kai!!!
I wear my mask and teleport in house but I hide behind couch which Lloyd and I guess Nya was sitting there. I waited for good time to no one looking at them.
I wait...and wait..after phew seconds most of them were talking to each other so I use this time And stand up behind them.
I grabbed their mouths and made them pass out but it wasn't for long, tho it can't let them be like this until we arrive to evil king castle.
I leave Lloyd and Nya and found Wu and Garmadan and missako..but where is Jay??
Never mind He isn't too much important!
I throw something at Garmadan and Wu and Missako  that can make them do everything I say.
"You old Peale pass out until when those two young ninjas wake up!!" I pointed at Nya and Lloyd and those old guys pass out like what I said!
I knew it always work! Now- Wait where is The nin-
Then I felt a knife on my back.
"Don't move!!" Um I think it was ninjroid. Zane huh~ he is fast and smart but Nora's much as I am~
I smirk but then show my sad look.
"Please ninja! I have to do this!!! If I don't he will kill me!! Please I promise I save you after it but just please let me take you guys!! He will kill me!!!"
I bruised my face in my both hands and fake cry.
Lol I'm best actor!
"Hey..I-I'm So Sorry...I didn't..come tell me everything.." he said."Everything?"
"Yes now please tell me what happened "
He said. I smirk and put a tissue on his mouth that made him pass out like others.
"Your everyone else-" I heard shouts from upstairs.
I ran up and saw Cole and Jay.
Kai stood up that means he saw me so I take out a wood and kick Cole and Jay with the wood.
They both fall and smirk at Kai.
"Right in time like always " he said to me.
" always ~ I'm the best oni demon ~" "ok okkkkk come we have to go!" He said.
I teleport both of in castle.
Yeah omg teleporting is so good!!
We were at Evil king room.
We just saw....

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It calls phoenix!!!

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