Chapter twenty

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Chapter twenty:
Cole's 'P.O.V':

It is morning and we're going to see Kai...again... I don't know what is he planning now but I need to be positive and know everything will be fine!
I went down stairs and went to the kitchen. Everyone was talking, I think they were talking about the plan.

"Hey guys! What's up?!" I greet to everyone then Lloyd came closer to me and explain the plan."So that was it..Did you understand it?" Lloyd asked me."Yeah.." I wish Kai was here now..but maybe today I don't have to be worry about him because something is telling me that today he will be here....We waited for Morro to come and show us the way..

~~~~~{time skip for one hour}~~~~~~

"Ugghhh Where is he!!!???" I yelled because I was bored! I was bored! I was bored of waiting and watching!! "Boo!" "Ahhhh Morro wtf!" I saw Morro with that exhausting smile... "Morro Do u know what time is it!?!??" I shout. " sorry traffic!" " -_- " I really want to kill him so much! "Just come" he told us that and we followed him...

So aren't u scared?

Scared of what?!

Scared of maybe u won't see Kai good again.

To be honest....I don't know...

~~~~~~{end of the conversation}~~~~~~

Aren't we there yet!?!? Ugh I'm so tired! First he was so late and his for example amazing reason was traffic and now that we don't even know where are we and are going in the right place!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{they made it}~~~~~~

YES WE MADE IT!!! At last we are here!!! But I never thought the king castle is that much dark....
"Well there we are!" Morro said and gone. "Well I guess we have to wait" Jay said and look away. "No we need to find my brother!" Nya said while she really wants to cry. "Nya is right Let's go in and find him!!!" We need nod and run in. "Be careful guys..." Lloyd whispers to us. "We are ninja! We know how to be quiet!" Jay said but..... "What!! U leave them alone!!!" Huh? Who is that? It's so familiar..."Sorry Kai I thought you meant Leave them out!" K..Kai.... "ugh Morro go out and find them!!!" "Yes sir!!" When they were finished we heard Kai's footsteps, uh oh! We try to hide but for our bad luck..."YOU GUYS ARE HERE!!!" Kai yelled and use his magic to make us stop moving. " Kai This isn't you!!!" I shout at him." You can shut your mouth!" He came closer and grab my collar, and he....

Everyone gasp except Jay..the boy who was dying of jealousy. We break the kiss. " this for you.... I love you too Boulder head~" he break our spell and everyone hug each other. "Kai I miss you!" Nya said."thx little sis but we need to go!" Kai cheer us up."woiw woiw woiw! How can we trust him!?!" Like always mittor mouth!
"We will talk later let's just go!" Zane yelled and we run out and sit on our dragons. Kai sit behind and god his hand was so soft and his breath under my ear was so good! "Cole..." Kai whispers to me "Yes?" "PLz don't let my dad get me" he beg me for that." Kai I promise " I smile and try to make him feel comfortable..."thx Cole I hope your master sees that I change..." Kai was sad, everyone sees him as monster as freak but not anymore, he changed and I'm sure!
"Kai no matter what everyone will always love the real you"
Kai hug me from back and we fly until home. I was so happy and I wish this moment never ends...but....
Where was Evil king when we were in the castle?
He always was there and watching everyone and every where.... hmm! Just my crazy thoughts!

Kai's 'P.O.V':
"Don't you think this was the end of the story~ did you?~"

Hope you all like it♥️
So so sorry for publishing late cuz u know school problems and these stuff but if u have any questions about my story follow my instagram acc : @kai_ninjago2004 and ask me😍🔥 hope everyone likes it and don't forget to
Comment and tell me how do u feel😘♥️

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