Chapter nine:18+

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Cole's 'P.O.V':
I wake up and look at my was 6:07 A.M. I get up and go through the door and close it. I was walking to Kai's bed then I heard a loud voice"everyone listen today we have no fight so get a rest!!" 'Yes!!! Now I can continue my work for all day!!!' I thought. I get closer to Kai but that voice(Cole's mind voice) stop me: said you are sure for what are you doing...

Yes I'm sure!

Just do that to Kai but Kai still doesn't want to be good...What will you do after that???


You didn't answer me

I...I don't know...and if I know I won't tell you!!!!

Okay go on...


{end of the conversation}~~~~

(Guys now we have a sexual part so if you don't like this things don't read it)
When I made at Kai's bed, I put his blanket off.."Co..Cole What are you doing?" OMG....he wakes up!!! I didn't think he is going to wake up so soon!!!!"nothing my little flame~just be relax~~" "What are you talking about??! Why is my blanket on the floor??!!" "As I told you just be relax" 'it's going to be fun' I smirked in my mind.

Kai's 'P.O.V':
He was acting so strange!! I have a lot of questions in my head like..'Why is my blanket on the floor?'or'What is he doing?'or...many questions.... I saw he came in to my bed...he was smirking and I knew this smirk is not good..!he sit on my chest!!"Cole!!WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!!!!!!" He was silent..then he takes off his cloth!!! I was going to bleed!!! His six pack was so hot~~ "So Do you like them? Because they are all yours..~" "C..Cole...What the heck a...are you do....doing??" "Just When I see you so stubborn for not be coming good, I thought maybe I can do this to change your mind.." "YOU THINK IF YOU DO THIS I GONNA BECOME GOOD!!!!!????" I close my eyes to  say something else but I feel something heavy on my lips. I opened my eyes and saw he was kissing me. I try hard to stop him and put him away but he was stronger than I thought... I was still shocked but suddenly I did something that I didn't want to do. I kissed him back!!!!Why am I doing this?!?! He licked my bottom feels hot~~ prefect~~
"Mmhhhmmm..."I moaned I think he was having a lot of fun..he started to licking my tongue!.."mmhhhmm...Co..Col...mmhhmm"I try to speak but he was busy at licking my tongue...he stopped licking me now I have time to breath.."Do you like it my little flame?~" I slowly nodded. He started to taking off my..When he takes it off he was blushing for seeing my six packs..he started to touching my body.the feeling was unbelievable he stopped touching my body when he touch my member.. he was blushing I didn't know why.."Why are blu...blushing?"I said as I trying to breath.." I... I think yo...your memb....member is too b...big.."he was worried..but that was true my member is too big and I don't know why but I always think it's for my dad because when he drinks or  angry,he gets me in to his room and start fucking me..I still remember the pain from his big member.."So..What are you going to do?" "Let's see..."He as quickly as he can take off my was cold but when he touched me it's just like I'm not cold anymore...he gets up and put down his pants and his....boxers!!! I saw his member it was big but it wasn't big as mine... but I don't know why I was blushing.."What??! Too big for you?~" "we'll see for who is bigger~" he started putting down my boxers when he saw my member he shocked and blushed" THIS IS 10 INCHE!!!!!"I just smirk "What too big for you?~" "you wanna play huh?!!" He sit on bed and point to the ground"SIT!! Right now!!" I think he was serious for first I didn't get what does he want but then I get "COLE!!!" "We don't have tube so you have no choice!!" "But Cole-"he cuts off"Do you wanna fuck or not?" I nodded just a little because in one way I want to but in the other way I don't want to..."So sit!!"He was still pointing to the ground. I sit down and look at his member,take a deep breath and start to licking it."Ahhh K..Kai....Ahhhh~"His moan was was just like I can listen to his moan everyday...I decide to put my tongue on his member."Kai I..I th....think I'm going!!!!!"wow...his cum is so suit. I want it so bad..."Ka...Kai get u...up.." I stand up my mouth had a lot of cum.."Turn around.." "W...Why?" I was confused.What was he going to do?"now bit down.." "excuse me!!!" "Just do it!" I bit down. Suddenly I feel he is opening my butt then he put some cum on my hole. I was biting my lips.after a few seconds I didn't feel anything. I look back and see he is sitting. I decide to go and have a little fun. I sit on his lap."Are sure you ready?"I nodded then he he put me in. I go in it hurt so much!!"Ready?" "COLE JUST FUCK ME!!"he smirk and started moving. I put my hands on his shoulder and biting my lips."C..Cole fa...faster...Ahhhhh~"he goes faster but that was too fast!!"!!!!!" "Sorry but You have to wait for a little longer.."I can stand it anymore it's hurts!!!!"Co...Cole I think I..Ahhhh"my cum comes out it was everywhere on my stomach,on the bed.... I feel something in stomach."Cole..Ca...can we s...stop it....?" "Not until you tell me  you'll become good." "Put me down then I tell..." He puts me down. I sit next to him"So...." he asked"thanks Cole for letting me have fun but I never gonna be good.."I stand up and go to the bathroom. I'm wondering how is Cole right now?

I hope you guys like it❤️
Please,Who doesn't like this thing,don't read it🙏🏻

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