Capter sixteen

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No one's 'P.O.V':

The ninjas back to ninjago City. It was a rainy day. It seems sky wants to Kai back too. They landed on ground in front of the tea shop. They walked in with a sad face.

Cole's 'P.O.V':

When we all walked in Wu and Misako get worried. We all one by one says 'hi'. I can't stand there anymore so I get to my room and locked it. I lay down on my bed.I don't know how I feel. I'm feeling anger,sadness....
I can't stop thinking about Kai...
Is he okay?
Can we take him back to normal again?

What do you want to do?...stay here and cry for nothing...

Can you please go? I really need to be alone! Please....

As you wish...
{end of the conversation}~~~~~~~~

'Ughhhh,What kind of friend I am?' Who am I kidding? Anytime I try to let no one knows I'm in love Kai, I messed up.just like the first time we met Kai with his evil side and I told him I wanted my Kai,it was one those things that I messed up or when he said:

I'm a new Kai and if you have a problem with it,you have stopped loving me!~

See what did he said:stopped loving me...
Messed up!
When me and Kai ran out of the temple and we still was holding our hands,then I gone thanks to Jay and when Kai finds me I:1-hugged him.
2-we call each other's nickname like Rocky and Flame.
3-I kissed him.
Messed up! Messed up! Messed up!
I was in my thoughts but someone's yell wake me up of my thoughts."COLE DINNER IS READY!!" It was Zane."Okay I'm coming!" I yelled then I stand up, open my and go down stairs.
I sit on the chair and wait for Zane to put the plates on the table.'WOW!! What is this smell for? It smells AMAZING!' I thought."Zane,what is this smell for?"I asked.Zane laugh and said"this smell is for a dessert. I make chocolate cake,your favorite." Yeah chocolate cake is my favorite. I wish Kai was here too,if he was here we could eat it together. I'm wondering What is Kai doing right now?
I finished the dinner and dessert too then I lay down on my bed. I was too tired so I go to sleep.

Kai's 'P.O.V':

After I walked away from the ninjas. I went to my house.When I made it,I was going to knock the door but then I saw the door was open!
It's little scared me because my dad never let the door open...I walked in and closed it."FATHER!!! ARE YOU THERE!!?!!" I shouted but no one answered. I walked to my father's room. I was in front of his room, I knocked the door one time and I was going to knock it but someone grabs me!"YOU DESTROY MY PLAN!!!!"My dad yelled at me."S...sorry dad I...I was but-"I cut off by my dad." Yeah,yeah I know the earthquake and the ninjas stopped you for doing your work..."How does he know?
Who told him?!
He let me go. I was on the floor..I can't breath well... I have to do something to he just get out of here or I." I promise this I will destroy your enemies...the ninjas and-"he cut me off."You can't! And you know why.....because you are in love with the black/earth ninja!!!" Oh,shit!! How does he know all of this things???? "Dad if you want I you let use this fake love,I will catch them! You can do what ever you want to do!!!"
(Let me tell you when Kai is under a spell,he doesn't know that someone put a spell on him)
"Hmmm" the only thing he said."Okay go...but if this plan goes wrong I will kill you!" I nodded and walked out..'Kai think if you were a ninja where will live?' I didn't know what is the answer until I go into my room.'Maybe some places that no one ever thought it could be..I need someone's help' I use my power to get someone here.

"Hey Kai~ so long not seeing again~"

I hope you guys like it❤️

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