Chapter twelve

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Cole's 'P.O.V':

Kai is been missing for a long time...I'm so worry for him...if Jay could shut his mouth Kai never going to ran away!!! I was lost in my thoughts until I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was Lloyd.."Hey Cole..." I don't want to answer him so I put my face down."Cole..I know you don't want to talk to me but I want. When I saw you with Kai. it was like no one can't apart you two..if you want I can help anything that you want to find Kai.."happiness comes to face. I look at him"Re...really! You going to that to me?!" He Smiled at me and said"Why not..your my friend and I do everything for you." "Th..thanks" we smiled at each other and walked to find Kai.."going with out us ?" We looked back and saw Nya and Zane was standing."Cole,you didn't  think you can go find Kai just by yourself,huh?" Zane said."You two are coming too?!"I can't believe it!!"Why not! We see you and Kai,How happy were you guys when you are together so we thought maybe we can help!" Nya said and come closer to us."thank you guys!" I said.

Jay's 'P.O.V':

I was watching them. They're all crazy!! Why are they helping him to find that little brat?!! He is nothing. I don't know why Cole loves him!!! I saw they walked to find Kai so I decided to spy on them. I was walking behind them but my feet goes  on some leaves. It was that much loud to they could hear it..

Nya's 'P.O.V:

We all heard a noise from our back. I turned around and saw it was Jay!!!! He was spying us all this time!!"Jay What are you doing here?!?" I asked"for helppp...." I was know All of his words are lie.."LIE!!! You never want to even says Kai's name and now you telling me you are here for HELP!!!"Cole yelled at Jay and just like always Jay never quick!!"Yeah I lied!! I was spying you guys to see what are you guys going to do!!!" Cole get closer to kick Jay but I stopped him"Cole stop it!!! Just think if Kai was here,Does he want to see you like this?!?!!!"Cole shook his head and look down."And Jay,just think,Has ever Kai try to attack you?!!"He shook his head and he looked down too.they both looked at each other and said"Sorry" I smiled at them." I think we fixed the problem.."Zane said with a big smile on his face."Well...not until he tell me,Why he hates Kai?"Cole asked Jay.Jay was silent for a few seconds but he talks"because he is EVIL and he-"he cuts off by Cole"just this??!!! Do you ever tried to meet him?!?!! I think only evil guy in this world is you because you never think how people can-"he cuts off by someone but no one knows who was that"Cole Let him finish his sentence~" "Who are you?" I was silent until we saw someone jumped down.he or she was in the dark so we can't see him or maybe her."Come out!!! Who ever you are!!!" Lloyd shouted. "WOW Lloyd I never saw you can shout~"That guy comes out. When we saw Who it was, we all were one could talk just eyes in eyes. I just had only one question:

Why he?

I hope you guys like it❤️

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