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The universe is under no obligation,
To make sense to you.
There's no destination,
Or understanding of what is lie or true.

For there to be understanding,
There has to be voice,
But then there has to be someone commanding,
Who's making everyones choice.

Or there's no one,
And the world is a ball of sense,
That had humans who won,
But are too dense.

We don't know the answer,
To all the questions in the world.
We don't know the cure for cancer,
Or else we would be more unfurled.

No one can understand everything,
Or be the master of a subject,
Because that's not how the world will swing.
The answer won't just project.

You're under no obligation,
To be understood by others.
The world is going under enough investigation.
What makes you think she wants you to know of her brothers?

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