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Imagination is more important that knowledge.
And you may disagree for many reasons,
But you need to acknowledge,
That it's as natural as the seasons. 

To imagine is to dream,
And make your own.
To have the thoughts become a stream,
And make them grown. 

Who would come up with inventions,
If no one imagined a better way of doing things?
These little things are all creations,
That only surfaced because someones imagination had wings. 

To think is to learn and grow and make,
To build is to know and show and break.
All these things for granted we take,
Not knowing what was put on stake. 

You can't live without imagination,
Because without it you won't ever question.
Where's the confrontation,
And how will you make your selection? 

Without something so normal,
Life would be so bland,
Everyone would be formal,
And we wouldn't consider taking a stand. 

We wouldn't be able to create loopholes,
Without thinking creatively.
Back then we would have just froze,
And not looked anywhere appreciatively. 

We wouldn't have art or science or math.
We wouldn't make homes or thrones or paths.
Our thoughts would simply be carried by wrath,
And everyone would think that you're a sociopath. 

Imagination lets us dream and learn.
It lets us elevate or makes us burn.
There's no point in making your mind stern,
Because, right now, it's your turn.  

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