Chapter 1

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He was running on the road, surrounded by the trees which are thin and high. Broken twigs and leaves produced sound as it cracked down while he was running. He don't know whether he will be able to escape or not, as they are surrounding him slowly as the time is passing by.

While running with a fast thumping heart he starred to the bloody sky, which was covered with bloody wine color that haunted the night. He shouted with all his strength left, "Please, Somebody help me!!!" But there was no one in that enchanted forest to help him.

His pace starts slowing down as his running feet starts to tremble, he fell in the way. Out of those who were following him two of them appeared in front of him from nowhere and starts approaching towards him. The two appeared in front of him and smirked, "Want to run more?" One of them asked with their sinful eyes.

Ayaan again waked up with that harrowing dream and cried "Why am I the one to get horrified?"

"I think you are again late and your college is about to start in a while"

"You are still on your bed!" shouted Ayaan's father.

"Aaaah... Not again. Coming Dad" Ayaan said.

Ayaan is a 19 year old boy, who is pursuing his bachelor's degree in Science from AMRITES UNIVERSITY. But deep in his heart he likes Literature more; it's due to his parents that he joined Science.

He took only 10 minutes to come out of his room and straight away left for the college after seeing off his parents.

He is always in a hurry, worrying about his life as he was totally f**ked up of what his parents wanted from him. On the other parallel edge of his life stayed his passion towards literature which he desperately wanted to pursue. It was everything he wanted and he was sure about it. The worst part was that he had to endure with the science because of his fear to confess his heart in front of his parents.


"Hi! I am super excited", said Ayaan excitedly.

"Me too bae", said Martha reaching out Ayaan.

They both hugged each other and shared a glance with their friends which were coming from behind. One of them exclaimed, "The new beginning is not so much excited as it could be."

It has been 2-3 years that Martha and Ayaan became best of friends. They actually complete each other and does all the non sense stuff together.

"Well, well why so early?" asked Liza but it seemed David was not interested in replying her.

"So guys! What should we do, attend classes or roam?" asked David.

"Roam", replied Liza and Martha

"Lecture",replied Ayaan.

"Okay. Majority will win am with roaming" said David sarcastically smirking at Ayaan.

All of them left for the canteen.

There were two persons watching them specially Ayaan.

"When will his turn come?"asked the first one to his fellow mate pointing towards Ayaan.

"For now he told us to keep an eye on him.His turn will come soon."replied the second one.

Ayaan and Martha were sitting alone at the canteen after David and Liza left, as they wanted to attend a workshop conducted by their department.

While Ayaan and Martha were sipping their tea.He started noticing and thinking about her.She was cheerful girl with joyous personality, her voice was soothing too.

To break the silence Martha spoke:

"Didn't you ever seen a beautiful girl?"

"Aaah...No..noo.I mean yess...

"Am..m sorry... sorry." Ayaan was confused with that instant question of Martha.

She starts laughing seeing this reaction.

"You know that what, I can do such types of thing all the time.If you offer me your laugh in return"said Ayaan.

"Shut up, You idiot...".Martha replied.

She stop laughing and gave a cute smile.

"Can you please add this smile in offer too?"Aayan replied.

"I think we should have to leave for the class"Martha said changing the topic.

"Yeah,sure.Let's go."Aayan replied.


Professor said,"Now, we will process for the problems."
"A small stone is dropped from a height of 25meters above the ground.Find the time taken by it to reach the ground?" Except Aayan, everyone starts computing using calculator and pen.

After three seconds... "The answer is 2.259 second"Ayaan delivered the answer.The moment when he gave the answer,including professor everyone was starring at him.

"How you did it so fast?"Martha asked shockingly.

"Aaah...I don't know.It just come out of my mouth "Ayaan replied.

He don't know too how it happened...

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