Chapter 25

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When Ayaan saw that mansion, a flashback of Mack and Aditi came when he visited there before.

After getting off, all of them from the wagon, 

Joseph said “Ayaan, you know your room right? Take Liza with you and don’t try to roam inside or outside of this mansion, There are dangers hiding in this silent atmosphere.”

Ayaan nodded

“And Martha? Is she…”

“Sam will take care of her” Joseph interrupted.

“May I keep that axe?” Liza asked pointing to the axe by which Sam was injured.

“Aaah…Yes, yes you can” Joseph replied.

After these, Sam left with Martha inside the mansion leaving Joseph, Ayaan and Liza alone.

“You two, what you are waiting for? Go and sleep…” Joseph said while reloading his gun’s magazine.

“You should sleep too” Ayaan said.

To these Joseph came near to Ayaan and said “I never sleep”,

He smiled, turned his back and started walking.

“Hey, we are hungry and where you are going?” Ayaan asked.

“I will keep an eye here in our surroundings, you can find something to eat in there..” Jospeh said and vanished in the dark surrounding.

“Lets go” Ayaan said to Liza and both of them went into the mansion.

They found biscuits and doughnuts to eat. After having that light food they went to there room.

After locking down the room’s door, Ayaan sat on the long arm chair, Liza was sitting on the bed.

“They use axe as a weapon!” Liza asked observing the axe which is in her hand.

“Yes” Ayaan answerd.

“And they still made us to run? We have guns afterall!!!” Liza asked.

“Those people are not normal, Gun is just like a child’s toy for them” Ayaan said, after a short pause he continued

“Its because I created a distraction using the explosion of battery…They weren’t able to see properly… Otherwise we all were dead by now.”

“So, what we will do now? I mean we can’t stay here for always” Liza asked.

“I don’t know…What we can do now is to run, hide and defend ourselves” Ayaan said and continued

“Those people are under the control of a girl, Rax. She has the power to absorb other’s abilities and can control and manipulate others.”

“So, those hooded people are under the control of her?” Liza asked curiously.

“Yes” Ayaan replied while yawning.

“Why don’t you all find her and kill her?” Liza shooted another question.

“Aah…Yes. But no one knows where she can be found and even if we know that, there is no match of us against her…” Ayaan replied.

“How you know all these about her in such detail” Liza asked.

“Professor told me, He told me that the only person who took stand against her was Mack. But she killed him and his wife when they were vulnerable. Professor was there, when that death play was going on.” Ayaan said and continued after a pause

“And you know what, except Professor no one has seen her”.

“We should sleep now, its getting late” Ayaan said to Liza, his eyes was close as he was feeling sleepy.

After getting no reply from her he again spoke

“Liza!!!, we should sleep now, I am comfortable here on the chair”

Again no reply came from Riya, This made Ayaan feel strange and he opened his eyes.

He saw that Liza was staring to the axe.

“Liza, what are you doing?” Ayaan asked.

After a few seconds of pause,

Liza said “You know what, Professor described about me very well to you, But still, he didn’t tell you many things”.

“What?” Ayaan asked giving puzzle look, summing up what she was talking about.

Liza shifted her eyes from the axe she was holding to Ayaan.

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