Chapter 5

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"Who are you?"

"First low down your baseball bat and sit down on the chair which is behind you"

Ayaan noticed that how he can see clearly in the black dark and the moment he entered the room how these two are coordinating are coordinating with each other even without speaking a single word. He was still unaware about the position of the second one. While thinking this Ayaan sat down on the chair behind and kept bat vertically lying at the edge of the chair closer to his legs.

"Now I am going to tell you a long story in short".

He continued,"In this room no one is normal except your friend David."

"I don't know about mine but I can tell you two guys are not normal as the way you entered my house and messed up with me and my friend David". Ayaan was very angry.

Hearing this he gave a small laugh.

"Hey... Hey just cool down. See Ayaan we don't have time so let me speak" ,he continued.

"What if I tell you that you have some abilities that no one has or i say we have some abilities that no one have.. "

"What are you saying? Are you a crazy nut or what...?" , Ayaan said

"Turn on the lights", he said to his companion.

Suddenly the light turned on.

Ayaan saw that there were two men standing in front of him. The left one was holding a friendly smile. He was quite tall and seemed to be a middle aged person.

The other one who was standing on the right side bears no expression. He was just standing like a statue and seemed to be younger than the first one.

Then Ayaan suddenly made a quick glance throughout the room looking for David. He saw him lying on the surface at the corner of the room.

After a minute of pause...

"So you are telling me that I have some types of abilities... like power... right?" said Ayaan.

"No, what I want to say is you have potential to do different and strange things which no one can. By the term 'ability', I actually mean 'potential'.

Man with a smiling face replied.

"Will you explain?" Ayaan was full of anger.

"That's why I am here". He stopped in between while replying to Ayaan's answer and both men started to stare at the room's opening. When Ayaan rolled his eyes towards the opening of the room, he saw that a person with a brown hooded long coat was standing there...

Now there are five people in the room Ayaan, the two men, David and the brown hooded guy.

"Two options... Run or die here" hooded guy said with a harsh voice pointing to the pairs.

Ayaan was continuously searching for any sign to figure out that who are they and what these maniacs are going to do. He noticed that the temperature was falling down and everything seems still. He even can't notice the movement of the air.

The hooded guy turned his head towards Ayaan and then towards the two men standing behind him. Then he tooled out an axe from his coat and started towards them. Ayaan was still thinking that what are they doing here?

Running through his thought Ayaan realized that hooded guy was now very close to him. He charged his axe towards him directly aiming to the head. Ayaan realized he was too late to dodge this attack. But then he saw that the attack was blocked by the old man.

The old grabbed the axe with one hand and with the other he tried to hit on the face. But he dodges easily by just simply tilting his head. In mean time, the younger man also step in to assist his companion. He directly target to the belly of the hooded guy by delivering a hard punch. Being engaged with the older man, the hooded guy received a very hard blow of punch. This made him to fall back.

Ayaan was seeing this without even a single blinking of the eyes. He grabbed his baseball bat and stands up from the chair.

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