Chapter 23

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“You are going to die… they will kill you” Iva yelled with her wide opened eyes and grabbed Ayaan to his collar.

She stared at him and gave a wild laugh.

“What is that idiot doing…? Is he in a garden or what…?” Joseph thought when he saw Ayaan paused for a while with Iva.

Ignoring the words of Iva, Ayaan stands up. In order to lift her up, he holds her hand. 

After then what Ayaan and Joseph saw, both get terrified. They saw that the skin peeled off the area from which Ayaan held.

Ayaan freezed down on seeing this. 

Joseph again started firing on the hooded guys.

Sam was still struggling, the grip of the hooded guy at his throat was inferior.

Seeing Sam in that situation and Ayaan was not doing well too, Joseph thought “I told him (Ayaan) not to do this…But…”

He took out another Desert Eagle. Holding each Desert Eagle in his two hands, He took a deep breath and jumped into the room.

With the entry of his in room, he directly shot down the guy by whom Sam was grabbed.

Sam took some time to gain his sense after it and without wasting time he started towards the Ayaan to assist him.

On the other side, Joseph was like in rampage mode. He was continuously firing making those hooded guys hard to approach towards the side of Iva.

“I will not die today…I am not going to die today” Joseph was repeating these line after every interval of some seconds.

When Sam reached to Ayaan and Martha, He shooked Ayaan holding his shoulder and then he faced towards the Iva.

Seeing Martha in such a weak condition, he lifted Martha from her waist.

All of a sudden, seeing what Sam was doing, one of the hooded guys throw his axe directly aiming to the Sam.

The axe made it way swinging through the air, stuck in Sam’s abdomen producing a piercing sound.

“Sam…” Joseph yelled facing towards him. Due to this distraction, Joseph received a very hard blow in his left arm from a hooded guy, making his one Desert Eagle fall from his hand.

Sam was still standing holding Martha and with an axe in his abdomen.

Ayaan takes out the axe from Sam’s abdomen. He noticed Sam’s expression, like always stern and constant look he was carrying. There was no sign of pain on his face.

After then Ayaan, Sam and Joseph grouped together.

“I swear, I will never do this type of things from now onwards,” Joseph thought.

They left the room and started towards the wagon. 

Firing from Sam and Joseph was furiously running. Ayaan tried to take aim and shot too but every time he was missing the target.

On the other side, Liza was waiting for them on driver’s seat of the wagon. The engine of the wagon was ON, as instructed by Joseph before.

All of a sudden, she heard the firing from her left side. She saw three figures are coming.

It didn’t take her time to realize that out of those three ones is Ayaan and the other two are Joseph and Sam.

When she saw that Sam was carrying a girl, a question came in her mind

“Is it Martha??”

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