Chapter Thirteen - Poppy Seeds

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"...And these are poppy seeds. They help cats sleep through pain." Fallowstripe said, pointing out the seeds to Cinderpaw.
It had been about a moon since she had become a medicine cat apprentice, and she enjoyed learning about herbs and such.
She hadn't gotten to treat any cats yet, but Cinderpaw had been able to fetch herbs and cobwebs for her mentor when she was treating cats.
"Cinderpaw, Cinderpaw!" The apprentice was snapped back to reality when Fallowstripe prodded her with a paw.
"Sorry. I must of zoned out." Cinderpaw replied, blinking.
"It's fine. Now do you remember what poppy seeds are used for?"
"Helping with pain." Cinderpaw said, then quickly added, "and helping cats sleep."
"Good." Responded Fallowstripe. "How about catnip?"
"Helps with Greencough and Whitecough?"
"Yes. Cobwebs?"
"To patch up wounds."
"Good." The medicine cat said, standing up. "Hard enough for today. Why don't you grab something from the Fresh-kill pile. Get me something as well please."
"Yes, Fallowstripe." The grey apprentice nodded, and padded out of the den.
Cats were going around their daily business, and the evening patrols were heading out. Cinderpaw headed towards the Fresh-kill pile, and picked up two mice.
Cinderpaw turned around to see who was calling her. Suddenly a weight jumped on her, pinning her down.
"Get off me!"
The weight disappeared, and Cinderpaw sat up to see Deerpaw looking at her.
"Oh come on, have a sense of humor Cinderpaw." Deerpaw teased, cuffing her over the ear with his paw.
"Maybe I would if you stopped attacking me like that." She said, grabbing her mice again.
"Okay, okay, fine." Sighed the brown apprentice. "But you better not be so grumpy with me then."
Cinderpaw smiled, then started walking back to Fallowstripe.
"Is that a yes?" Deerpaw called after her. "I'll take that as a yes."
Cinderpaw padded back into the medicine cat den, and set down her mice. "Here you go Fallowstripe. I got a mouse for you."
"My favorite!" Fallowstripe called from the herb stores, then emerged to eat the mouse with Cinderpaw.

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